Are You A Secret Healer?
Check for tell-tale signs
Getting ready to be seen
Have you often felt a bit different somehow, as if you
didn't fit in?
Have you always been rather sensitive to changes in the
weather and news of global disasters?
Do you react strongly to bright lights, loud noises and
Were you bullied or 'left-out' at school?
Do you instinctively not want to eat meat or have a sensitivity
to dairy products?
Do you sometimes find it hard to speak up for what you
believe in or need?
Are you almost painfully aware of other people's reactions
and feelings?
Do you have a history of throat problems?
Well, I've just described the typical symptoms what I think
of as a 'secret healer'.
I have met many clients with the above traits which all
indicate a sensitive energy system. This is a very necessary
qualification for a healer or energy worker, but not well-adapted
to deal with the physical and energetic pollution we're now
finding in our daily life. The more sensitive our system the
more brutal we can find our urban age with all its technological
advances, Media violence, GM and microwaved food, electrosmog
and a 24/7 lifestyle divorced from Nature's seasons and cycles.
If you do have a sensitive energy system which is easily disrupted
then you're likely to show physical symptoms such as migraine,
sleep disturbances, depression, irritability, mood swings,
hormone imbalance and weight gain.
How Karmic Memory Affects Us
I decided on the title 'Karma Coach' because, after years of
tracing physical symptoms, emotional reactions and behavioural
patterns, they all find a source in our own memory bank. Whether
we think of it as past lives or ancestral memory is a matter
of personal choice, but my observations tell me that those of
us with the above symptoms carry strong memories of lives spent
as healers of some kind. Whether we were called herbalists,
witches, shamans, alchemists, wise-women, monk or hermit is
not important - the point is that the career prospects weren't
great! Those lifetimes usually ended painfully in front of a
jeering mob and have left us with strong unconscious fears of
'coming out' with our karmic healing gifts.
Releasing Karmic Fear
We're often quite happy to develop a talent for music, art,
sports or languages inherited by just the same mechanism. However,
sculpting and lute-playing didn't generally carry the threat
of betrayal, torture and and the smell of burning flesh. So
competing for Young Musician of the Year often requires overcoming
less karmic fear than challenging the government's policy on
complementary therapies, with the drugs lobby in the role of
the Spanish Inquisition!
Karmic Fear is a wonderful karmic essence blend for fear and one I often
give to clients in a healing session. It's quite easy to know
when this pattern is being released, as I feel freezing cold
and often see flashbacks of memories as they're released.
What are your healing gifts? Many of us who have come in with
strong healing memories are also being asked to use those
healing gifts now, as the planet is in great need of them.
If you haven't already found a way to do so and you're unsure
what arena you can express yours in, then look at what work
you've chosen to do. It's often a clue. Are you already working
in a 'caring profession' as a nurse, therapist or social worker?
Do you love gardening or cookery, which might indicate a history
of herbalism? Are you in the communications field as a writer,
film-maker, artist or actor? Then find a way to 'come out'
and integrate your gifts with the skills you've developed
in this lifetime. Nurses and therapists can give hands on
healing, gardeners can make flower essences, cooks can train
as nutritionists, actors can shape public-thinking with socially
significant roles, writers can awaken interest in holistic
approaches to healing and lifestyle.
Helpful Karma
This is where working with karma really helps you, as learning
is easy because the memories come back as an intuitive knowing.
A great deal will be clear to you without you needing to sit
down and study until 3 a.m.
How Wallflower supports you
This is also where Wallflower essence in a personal remedy blend can
be so helpful. As we move closer to our 'old' profession, some
of these fears can surface, though we may experience them as
stress and put them down to the strain of retraining later in
life or financial concerns (which are very real considerations)
but often if we dig deeper, they are ways our emotional memory
is trying to stop us from repeating painful experiences. Our
emotional body doesn't operate under the illusion of linear
time, so the memory of persecution in the fourteenth century
is as real now as it was then; even if this time the role is
taken by our over-critical editor, boss, public or clients.
essence asks us to 'stick our head above the parapet'.
The flamboyant and colourful flower radiates its beauty and
draws our attention. It allows us to be seen for who we really
are and to be comfortable with that. It puts us back in touch
with our inner rhythms, gives us poise and confidence in social
situations and when dealing with officialdom. It resonates
with the wound of the wounded healer infusing us with the
ability to express ourselves, which so often has been an issue
in the past when we had to keep our healing knowledge secret.
It allows us to be steadfast, feel inwardly secure and release
the pattern of feeling both hopeless and homeless. We call
people wallflowers for a reason - our language often reflects
ancient wisdom - 'wallflowers' feel socially excluded, lacking
in confidence and as if they don't fit in.
When do we need it?
This may be a pattern we are quite unaware of until we try and
'come out' with our healing gifts. We may normally be confident
and comfortable in our work but this pattern comes up when we
try and take the next big step into being 'seen'; maybe we have
our first book published or we start a healing course or we
qualify as a complementary therapist and it's the moment to
start practicing for real. Interestingly on a physical level
Wallflower essence helps our digestion, which is often the first
thing to get upset when we feel anxious.
Exploring Further
If you're an intuitive person and you want to explore your traits
from a past-life perspective, you could investigate the Cathars
in Southern France. They ate no meat or dairy and were brutally
massacred. If your issue is feeling excluded or not fitting
in, it could be memories of being part of any number of religious
minorities, although druids were especially fond of social exclusion
as a form of punishment.
Personal Attunement Blends
Individual flower and crystal essences can also be mixed
into a blend for you. If you need guidance or you'd like a
personal blend made up, Nikki can attune for the essences
most appropriate for your growth and healing.
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