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Protective Essence Blend by Spirit of Transformation

Stability, Clarity and Protection - Transformation Essence Range

Everyone I speak to is feeling how fast things are changing now. It's like a merry-go-round, except that sometimes it's hard to feel merry and you can occasionally yearn to get off for a moment! It can be difficult to keep the balance between allowing the release of intense emotions that can be necessary for our growth and expansion whilst still remaining composed enough to get the bills paid on time and make important decisions about the future. Too much time spent on emotional release can create chaos in our daily life but suppressing our feelings in order to make practical decisions is equally unhelpful, as our feelings often have important information and guidance for us; provided they don't feel overwhelming. For a full description of each essence in this blend click here

1 x 15 ml Essence Bottle
9.95 GBP/approx 11.50 Euros/12.50 USD + p&p

1 x Essence Transmission (NO bottle or p&p)
20 GBP/approx 23 Euros/ 25 USD

'I feel brilliant on your stability and protection blend. I feel the best I have done in 2 years! ' Minna Oldfield, Health Kinesiologist, Warrington, Cheshire

'The clarity essence was absolutely brilliant!' Sue, Wabi Sabi, Life Awaiting Discovery

The products below are offered in association with Crystal Herbs

Essence Sprays by Crystal Herbs

Essences sprayed into the auric field have a more instantaneous impact than when taken orally, so they very quickly help you to rebalance your energy. They also don't work quite so deeply as a combination taken orally and for that reason are perfect for sensitive souls who find it difficult to take deep acting combinations of essences internally for any length of time.

How To Use Them

Spray liberally into the auric field for a quick and effective energetic realignment or use over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. You can also take these essence sprays internally in the same way as other essence combinations if you wish. There is a choice of a wheat alcohol preservative or a wheat alcohol and Rose Water blend, giving a beautiful scent to the spray. Please choose the option you prefer from the drop down menu on the paypal button. There is no difference in price.

Auric Protection Spray by Crystal Herbs

Safe Boundaries

Many people will find Auric Protection to be especially supportive in spray form, because of the immediacy of its action. Use this spray to help strengthen your aura and energy fields when you know that you will be facing situations that normally present you with an energetic challenge. You will find it particularly helpful if you tend to be over sensitive to others emotions or thoughts, or experience an ‘energy drain’ when around lots of people. Use it in emotionally charged situations to help separate your emotions from those of others.

A combination of: Yarrow, Pennyroyal, Staurolite, Lodestone, Larimar,

Size: 50 ml misting bottle Cost: 10.50 GBP/approx 12 Euros/ 13 USD + p&p

Click to order Auric Protection from Crystal Herbs

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Environmental Stress Spray by Crystal Herbs

Cleansing and Strengthening

This is an excellent spray to assist you to keep your energy field clear and protected from the many environmental pollutants that our modern day world contains. Use when you feel that you are vulnerable to unwanted energies such as those from mobile phones, computers, radiation or other damaging energies.

A combination of: White Yarrow, Malachite, Magnetite, Coal, Peridot, Turquoise,

Size: 50 ml misting bottle Cost: 10.50 GBP/approx 12 Euros/approx 13 USD + p&p

Click to order Environmental Stress from Crystal Herbs

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'We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.' John W. Gardner