'We must pay respect to water, feel love
and gratitude, and receive vibrations with a positive attitude.
Then water changes, you change and I change. Because both
you and I are water'. Masaru Emoto from The True Power
of Water.
The Energy of Water
To increase our understanding of the importance of water both
to us as individuals for our health and happiness as well as
to the wellbeing of our planet, a great place to start is some
of the groundbreaking work by Dr Masaru Emoto. His discovery
of a method to record water crystals forming in response to
words, images and music enables us to see clearly how vibration
affects us. The words we use and the environment we live in
as well as the quality and energy of the water which we drink
all affect our wellbeing. Dr Emoto has also produced laminated
cards showing the crystals. These can be used to energise our
water or as a meditation tool. The metaphysical aspect of Emoto's
work is well presented in the film 'What the bleep do we
know?' available on DVD.
Laminated Water Crystal Cards for Charging your
Water with Energy
Water Activities
and Tests for Families and Children
Healing Book + Healing Music CDS
Click on
the left hand image to order this hardback book with two
CDs, combining music and water crystal images with inspiring
descriptions of the music's physical and emotional benefits.
Meditating on the images while the music plays enhances
the effects.
Alongside Dr Emoto's work showing us the vibrational nature
of water, is the work of Dr Batmanghelidj. The late 'Dr Batman'
as he is affectionately known has shown the extraordinary importance
of water for our physical health. Water is vital for all bodily
functions from improving memory and digestion and relieving
stress to ensuring healthy skin, a healthy nervous system, spine
and flexible joints. He argues that almost all our physical
complaints would improve or even disappear if we kept ourselves
hydrated with sufficient good quality, ph balanced water.
'Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to
the efficient flow of water.' Your Body's Many Cries
for Water. Dr Batmangehelidj
For more on Living Water and the technologies involved,
try Blood Never Lies by live blood microscopist Ted
Aloisio. For more on why overacidity reduces our vitality
and energy and how to correct it, get 'Sick and Tired'
by Dr Robert Young. For water's role as the natural fountain
of youth, try Reverse Aging by Sang Whang. For water's
role in healing obesity, cancer and depression, read Dr 'Batman'.
To expand your consciousness and learn sacred secrets on how
to relate to the Earth and nutrition read the Ringing Cedars
series which begins with Book 1 - Anastasia. The Ringing Cedars
series can change your life as well as your diet!
'In one drop of water are found all the secrets of the oceans.' Kahlil Gibran
Claim Your Free Soul Flower Reading and Introductory Attunement Discount
To learn more about Wellbeing, Flower Essences, Living Water
and other tools and events for self development and quality
of life, subscribe to our
E-Newsletter using the link above left.
You will receive a FREE Soul Flower Reading showing your main
life challenges and soul gifts and an introductory personal attunement discount. You can unsubscribe at
any time with just one click.
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