Karma Coach Newsletter | September 2024

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As we move into increasingly turbulent times being able to let go of fear and our attachment to outcomes is going to be key.

In the old 3D paradigm we could predict the future based on the past. This is partly because we've expected - and pictured - the same results as we've had before, so that's what's manifested.

Soon we may experience old structures falling away so we need to be flexible, adaptable and open to doing things differently.

A light touch needs to accompany our choices so that we're not wedded to a particular result. If you have patterns of control, now is the time to tackle the fear that underlies them and to strengthen your faith in your higher wisdom. This is what will enable you to let go of what has been and accept what is taking its place as part of a larger plan.

Being able to hear our intuitive voice will be vital, so in this issue there's a flower essence to strengthen that connection and bring forward spiritual gifts from past lives that will serve you so well now. There's also a documentary about Dr Joe DIspenza's work which shows the almost magical healing impact of aligning our mind with our heart and a free online deep clearing EFT event to help you do that. There's a workshop to introduce you to the new chakras now being activated in our energy system, and an explanation of what physical symptoms to expect as a result by clairvoyant and former nurse, Nancy Rebecca.

A strong message right now is how important it is to share the gifts that each of us has brought to help this transition. To spread the word of your gifts and service quickly and effectively it helps to understand the vital role of marketing and the various communication channels currently on offer. In my opinion there's nobody who offers a more comprehensive library of accessible tutorials than Leonie Dawson, so if you need to know how to best present your ideas or increase your audience I recommend her Academy - the price of it is more than doubling on Sept 12, so if it has the tools you need, jump in now.

I've been practising letting go this month with an intentional clutter clear and new opportunities have already started to arrive. One is a new EE centre near where I live in East Sussex - get the discount code below. Another is a big infiux of blue light during my meditations and guidance on future projects. More of that in later issues.

You might enjoy browsing the latest array of crop circles that appeared this summer, especially if you're skilled at interpreting them and there's a September astrology forecast too,

Finally there's a panel of experts to help you gain a deeper understanding of narcissism and its relationship to trauma as wells how to recognise and deal with it, one on trance dance to activate your light body, a chance to heal your mother wounds and your paternal line.

If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses may cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.

To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.

20% Off Personal Attunements - Nature's Messages For You

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Would you like to know your current soul path, purpose and challenges - and get some support with them?

Unlike personal guidance which is restricted to certain essence ranges, when I do a personal attunement I throw open the windows to the universe and allow any frequencies to come through that can offer you guidance, insight and support at this moment of your evolution. 

They may focus on ancestral or past life healing, they may be essences which work by showing you messages in dreams or which amplify your psychic gifts or soothe heartbreak or clarify your purpose. They may also help you to release intense trapped emotion so you can come back calmly to your centre.

I never know what I'll be shown. I completely clear my mind and I'm always wiling to be surprised - which is just as well because I'm sometimes presented with things I've never heard of:)

This month's reader offer is 20% off personal standard attunements - whether with a bottle or as a transmission. Delivery will go to the email and postal addresses on paypal unless you request otherwise. The paypal confirmation is the only one you'll receive. Your order will be processed in five working days.

Read more about the attunement offer & order - ends Sept 30 and is only available to readers - if you've found this on social media please opt into the mailing list.

'Thanks for the transmission attunement which I've been feeling the effects of for the past two days! ' Mel, London, Health Coach

What's the difference between a standard attunement and a de luxe attunement?

In addition to what you get in a standard attunement, a De Luxe Attunement includes an interpretation of the essence blend, your soul lesson, your totem animal, your guardian angel, a personal affirmation and suggested next steps. These are very time-consuming so they're rarely, if ever, reduced. If you've never had one before, however, you can use your introductory discount. Only a limited number can be done each month.

Source - It's Within You: Dr Joe Dispenza Documentary

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This fascinating and inspiring documentary about Joe Dispenza's work is now available to watch either for 48 hours, or with unlimited access, or as a bundle with lots of great bonuses

Dr Joe Dispenza, author of Becoming Supernatural has unlocked our potential for healing in the most remarkable way. He himself was told he'd never walk again after breaking six vertebrae in his spine and having more than 70 pins inserted, but he used the power of his mind to heal himself. If you've ever been to one of his events, you never forget it.

This film documents the scientific exploration into the transformative power of the mind.

For the first time in the history of meditation studies scientists have discovered something profound happening inside someone's body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is followed. 

This documentary proves the incredible potential that lives within us. It has the power to educate, inspire and empower.

Read more and watch

'When I was diagnosed five years ago 40% of the bone marrow was cancer and was progressing. And then, after the Dr Joe Dispenza retreat and the coherence healing, the oncologist called me on the phone. Charlie the bone marrow test came back with nothing. There's no cancer here, not even a residual part that would have been expected with the chemotherapy.' Charles

Need essence help? Try Energetic Alignment Spray - Soul Connection by Crystal Herbs to connect to your higher guidance and enhance meditation. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips

From Doubtful & Conflicted to Intuitive & Purposeful - Reader Offers

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Is it difficult to balance the masculine and feminine energies within you? Are you overthinking or overwhelmed? Do you swing between a need to control, to being passive or lethargic? Do you analyse and second guess rather than trust your intuition? Do you find it easy to give but hard to receive? Do you find it difficult to reconcile being both a spiritual and a sexual being?

Each of us has a spiritual lineage: past lives spent in particular belief systems from which we've learned precious lessons. We may also have carried over less helpful vows from those lives that no longer serve us, such as poverty, chastity or sacrifice.

The Himalayan Poppy awakens the frequency of our spiritual past, enabling us to develop our psychic gifts to their highest potential in this lifetime, while building on all the strengths and wisdom we've already brought in with us.

It gives you access to the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms and it lights the fire of your spiritual purpose. It enhances meditation and strengthens your connection to your intuitive guidance. As it gets to work you'll feel clear about what would be the most fulfilling direction to go in.

Himalayan Poppy also integrates your masculine and feminine energies, so there is far less inner conflict and swinging between extremes. As these come into balance and find a harmonious relationship with each other you'll be able to respect and honour your guidance, fully receive and enjoy the sensual aspects of life and take the necessary steps to fulfil your purpose.

I don't sell single essences but you can order Himalayan Poppy on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until Sept 13. HImalayan Poppy is also part of the Soul Gifts - Awaken Past Life Talents essence blend and Soul Purpose by Spirit of Transformation. These blends aren't part of the offer.

Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Himalayan Poppy and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.

  • Himalayan Poppy - helps with meditation and healing. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
  • Archangel Gabriel helps you to develop your intuition and find your purpose. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
  • Flower Essence Collections - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Himalayan Poppy - as well as a complete collection of 20 flower essences. Discount code below.
  • Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.

Reader Offer & Code until Sept 13

You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.

Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code

Drawn to more than one essence? If Himalayan Poppy appeals but so do other essences, you can have your own custom blend of flower & crystal essences made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB Rose and Bach essences are best used only with others in the same range, so you won't find them on the list of options.

Personal Attunements: You can also request Himalayan Poppy as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.

NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.

Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers

Understanding & Healing Narcissism

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Whether it's a friend, a manager at work, a family member, an ex, a politician, or perhaps even when it comes to yourself, we may wonder at times: 'Is that person a narcissist?'

But what is narcissism? Does it exist on a spectrum? Is it a disease? Is there a cure? What do you do when you think there's a narcissist in your life? What is the relationship of narcissism to the spiritual journey? How do you know if you're a narcissist yourself?

This summit was created to help shed light on these very important questions and to clarify steps we can take to bring more compassion, skill, and wisdom into the conversation.

The summit covers everything from new ways to look at narcissism, why empaths and narcissists are magnetically attracted to each other, how to “unhook” from this toxic attraction, and specific ways to heal from narcissistic impact in our lives.

The summit includes contributions from leading researchers, psychologists, mental health experts, spiritual teachers, and one incredibly inspiring high school student to learn about narcissism from as many different angles as possible. This includes Caroline Myss, Dr Judith Orloff and Dr Ramani Durvasula, author of Should I Stay or Should I Go? and It's Not You

This package will be of particular support if:

  • You're a therapist or health professional seeking the latest information to better serve your clients

  • You or someone you know is suffering the effects of narcissistic behaviour

  • You're committed to cultivating greater self-awareness and empathy

In addition to all the contributions, the package includes three bonuses;

1. Healing the Core Wound of Unworthiness with Adyashanti

2. Healing Your Attachment Wounds with Diane Poole Heller, PhD

3. The Science of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Kristin Neff, PhD, and Shauna Shapiro, PhD

Click to read more & enrol

'Dr. Ramani does not sugarcoat reality, yet, she always comes from a place of compassion and empathy.' Kyle Kittleson, Host, Medicircle

'Perhaps no one knows the importance of balancing feelings with thoughts better than Dr. Judith Orloff, the author of The Empath’s Survival Guide. Her book can help highly sensitive people avoid taking on everyone else’s needs and problems. 'Jane Brody, New York Times

Essence support: Try Solar Plexus Chakra essence by Crystal Herb to help you create and maintain healthy boundaries. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Experience Deep Clearing EFT - Sept 5/6

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Could your current habits and deeper programming be unintentionally hindering the future you want?


Imagine changing one of these habits through a powerful future-imaging EFT (tapping) exercise, to more easily attract what you truly desire.

Join energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise on Thursday, September 5 (or Sept 6 UK Time), and experience her unique, proven approach to EFT tapping - to transform fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger quickly and effectively, grounding you in the present moment.

You’ll tap on something you want to do in your future - picture the behaviour you’re engaging in now, and the behaviour you want to engage in instead, so you can begin to make it your new reality and energetically resonate with it.

When you’re triggered, tapping resets your amygdala so you’re free to set healthy boundaries, regain composure, and eventually not feel triggered anymore.

For over two decades, Mary has helped thousands quickly break through their resistance to becoming their authentic selves - overcoming familiar trigger reactions like fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger, and stifling personal stories of blame or shame.

During the event, Mary will explain how transmuting the energies of unbeneficial thinking and beliefs with the power of EFT (tapping) can help you create a coherent energy field - that can ultimately manifest the future you envision.

Click to read more & register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'Mary Sise shares her wisdom and experience with humor, honesty, and encouragement. I highly recommend this class for those who wish to get unstuck from past unconscious habits or trauma that keeps them from being their best self and finding their mission in life - or starting a new stage in their life with passion.' Sarah, Seattle, Washington

'Mary is one of the founding pioneers for using energy psychology with PTSD and other difficult diagnoses. She has always been an inspiration to me and continues to be.' David Feinstein, PhD, Co-author with Donna Eden of Energy Medicine

Need essence support? Try Energy Alignment Essence Spray by Crystal Herbs to keep your soul connection . Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Energy Enhancement Systems - New Sussex Centre

In this 1hr 15 minute video Dr Sandra Rose Michael inventor of the Energy Enhancement System explains why she invented the system and how it works. Bear with the initial blurry images, the quality quickly improves. Dr Michael has lectured on radiation issues at the UN and was given the first ever Qi Technology of the year award by the Chinese QiGong Grand Masters who recognised it as the first technology they'd found that can regenerate source Qi.

If you don't have time to watch it all, or science isn't your thing, go to 46 minutes to watch the muscle testing with mobiles, chem trails and scalar jewellery and to hear why we have such an increase in cancer and particularly prostate cancer.

  • Radiation in our environment unzips our DNA whereas the EE system repairs breaks in our DNA and lengthens telomares - shortened telomares are an indication of ageing. Split ends on your hair indicate telomere shortening. EE is why Dr Michael still has such amazing naturally blonde hair.

  • When you're in the EE system you are in a 'no zone' completely protected from radio waves and micro waves. This has been proven even when a mobile phone mast is within sight of an EE centre

  • Dr Michael's mission is to transform the harmful man made power grid on the planet

  • We're meant to live at 70 - 90 Khz - as this frequency decreases we experience inflammation which is the root of pain and dis-ease.

  • The higher our cells are charged the more they radiate the light via the photons at the centre of each cell. Being in the EE system charges your cells to the highest charge they can currently hold.

  • EE is like having laser light therapy through all your meridians

  • Our chakras are scalar vortexes. EE systems creates scalar waves which immediately begins to balance your chakras.

  • Scalar waves are infinite so the charge - for example in scalar jewellery - is also infinite. The field generated extends 5 feet outside your body.

  • Fukishima fall out means we now get the equivalent of the radiation from a chest X-ray every 9 minutes when flying above certain altitudes. Just living in California you get the equivalent of 4 chest X-rays a day. This is also why there's such an increase in hypothyroidism, even in babies.

  • EE activates the body's stem cells and quadruples mitochondrial activity. It increases the electroconductivity of water by 26%.

Watch Video

NEW - Sussex EE Centre

As regular readers know I've been using the EE system as an important support for my own healing for a year now and have found it incredibly helpful on every level; physically, emotionally and spiritually. There's no issue that it doesn't help because it essentially puts you in an optimum environment that's EMF free, where you're totally grounded, fully oxygenated and profoundly relaxed.

I'm delighted to say that just as my affiliation with the centre in Bedfordshire came to an end - so I'm afraid the discount code in previous newsletters will no longer work - a new centre has opened near me in Brighton.

I road-tested it last week with a two hour session. There are four reclining chairs and a single bed you can lie on if you prefer. The venue is an old church that's been repurposed as a beautiful community centre, so the room has a lovely energy with stained glass windows.

Reader Offer - If you'd like to try the Brighton centre just use the code karmacoach10 when you first checkout. Please note: if you want more than 2 hours at a time you need to book consecutive 2 hour sessions. You can only use the discount code once, so please put all the hours you want into the basket before inputting the code, even if you're not sure when you want to take them. If you're unsure just call Fiona (who's lovely:) on 01273 435364 and book over the phone, mentioning my name for the discount. or email her.

Browse & Book Sessions at Energy Wave Brighton - discount code karmacoach10

Not in the UK? Find your nearest centre on this location map. It only shows centres affiliated with Jason Shurka's network Unifyd Healing who therefore abide by the agreed maximum hourly rate. Recently opened UK centres include West Yorkshire, Bristol, Brighton, North Yorkshire, Cardiff, Whitstable, Bedford, Southampton and Fife. New ones have opened overseas in Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Cyprus and Thailand and there are many new ones opening in the USA.

Amazing Biz & Life Academy - Price Doubling Sept 12

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Are you starting a business or wondering how to share your service with more people? Do you need to monetise your offering more effectively? Do you have a book or an ecourse that you've never finished becasue you lack the support or knowledge on now to publish it or structure it? Do you want to find your creative spark or simply get more organised?

If you have any aspirations around money, your business or your life, this Academy offers oodles of fantastic courses and advice from the incredibly successful Australian entrepreneur Leonie Dawson. 

Courses include: 

There are monthly group classes with lots of peer support and regular 'Ask Leonie anything' calls - because it's hard to do this alone. There are at least 30 new courses added per year. 80% of Academy members renew every year because it's so full of useful tools, whether you want to get more creative or be walked through how to do something that might otherwise seem overwhelming.

Academy membership gives you access to Leonie's complete library of business building courses, workshops, templates, books and coaching - including all the courses listed above, which Leonie constantly adds to. There are loads of guest experts featured too, on such topics as how to make money from substack, how to look good on video and how to maximise return from social media.

If you join before Sept 12 you lock in the current price of 199 US Dollars for as long as you're a member. After that date it's going up to 497 US dollars.

Read more and sign up - This newsletter is your one and only prompt as the price will have more than doubled by the time the next newsletter goes out

'I've used many of Leonie's courses and found great value. She knows how to make big projects easy to understand and follow in manageable steps and is always very encouraging and understanding of the emotional challenges of running a business.' Nikki

'I've got more accomplished in 2 weeks than I have in 2 months! I'm loving the course and Leonie's no-nonsense advice! I'm learning to just go with it, enjoy the process, not overthink things. Just get stuff done! That's what I've really needed and this course is helping me do that' Cassandra Key.

Need essence help? Try Business Success essence - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Feeling Wired & Tired? Plug into the Earth

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As electrical beings we need to be earthed in the same way as any electrical device. We were designed to do that by putting our bare feet on the earth but now we insulate ourselves with synthetic rubber soles. This leads to a build up of static electricity in our nervous system so we feel stressed and tired. This in turn leads to inflammation and takes us out of synch with the Earth so we find it hard to sleep as nature intended.

Using a grounding mat enables your body and nervous system to discharge the electricity we're increasingly bombarded by, so you feel calmer, more centred and your body can begin to recover.

'The grounding mat that I use all the time is by Earthing Revolution and they richly deserve their recent award for both their product and their exceptional customer service - Jen is a gem:)!' Nikki

You can download this guide to earthing to find out more

Read Reviews of Earthing Revolution Products - including relief from knee and neck pain, aching from old injuries and sleep disturbance. Discount code is karmacoach.

Clint Oben, the author of Earthing made his first generation earthing products using silver thread woven into things such as fitted bed sheets and mats because silver conducts electricity but over time our natural body oils cause the silver to oxidise so he's since created carbon-infused mats that are effective far longer. Earthing Revolution are his exclusive distributors in the UK.

Watch Clint's Video about Earthing with some fascinating healing stories

These second generation products include:

These are all ways you can earth yourself in your indoor environment, releasing the static electricity build up and replenishing healthy electrons.

Read more and browse earthing products - use the code karmacoach at checkout for your discount - this won't work with any current discounts. Please call Jen for advice if you need to know what's best for your issue. She's super helpful and is in contact with Clint himself for any questions: +44 (0)20 8037 7792

Watch Jen's Product Videos and hear her story on their youtube channel

'From the first night I felt the benefit of the grounding sheet and after a few weeks my bad back completely went and my leg pain reduced by a lot and I felt more energy than usual.

We had a bout of hot weather so didn't sleep on it for 2 weeks due to being clammy and oh my word my pain came back. This definitely works and I'm now back on it sleeping like a baby'..Amanda Powell

'I purchased the universal grounding mat and the coachella flip flops in June they're truly amazing, I've definitely noticed an improvement in my sleeping pattern and my feet can't thank me enough for the flip flops. As a Reflexologist, I'm looking at ways to incorporate these earthing products into my practice to enable my clients to receive the benefit of grounding. Looking into purchasing the strap to wear during client sessions. I definitely recommend these products! A big congratulations and thank you to Jen and her team.' Wendy

Need essence help? Try Feet Chakra essence by Crystal Herbs to fully open to the Earth. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences

Recent posts include: we heal in unison, the path isn't a straight line, the portal to the next level, the frequency of birdsong, love is not conditional, the emotional responsibility of childhood, interrupted reaching out movements, excluded ancestors, the value of life, your legacy, balancing your Earth element, attuning with the land and trauma versus stress.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X

Your Mother Wound - Sept 10/11

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Have you ever wondered if patterns, beliefs, and traumas have been passed down to you through generations and are contributing to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, or difficulty in forming healthy relationships?

Naturopathic doctor and evidential psychic medium Dr. Lotte Valentin shares that there may be a reason rooted in scientific theory for this transmission. Quantum entanglement suggests that particles once connected remain so, regardless of the distance separating them, influencing each other instantaneously. 

Applied to the mother-child relationship, it implies that emotional and psychological states can be deeply intertwined between mother and her offspring, even on a subatomic level, meaning that traumas, behaviours, and even thoughts can be transferred across generations without direct interaction.

You’re invited to join us Tuesday, September 10, at 4:00pm Pacific (or Sept 11 UK time), for a free 60-minute event during which Dr. Lotte will share with you how healing your mother wound can help you cultivate a nurturing, creative, and intuitive presence that aligns with the true essence of your being.

You’ll explore the concept of the cosmic mirror - how individual healing within us is not an isolated act but a reflection that resonates across the natural world and the cosmos.

Dr. Valentin combines her spiritual insight with her medical expertise, which uniquely positions her to guide you in both understanding and healing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life. As an author, N.M.D., and award-winning leader, her teachings provide deep knowledge that bridges the gap between science and soul.

Her approach is deeply rooted in scientific principles, emphasising how neurological and physiological frameworks interact with spiritual experiences, a perspective she elaborates on through her published works and speaking engagements at medical and holistic conferences.

During this illuminating hour, you’ll discover how relationships are not merely by chance but are preordained encounters meant to foster growth and healing on deep, quantum levels.

This perspective offers a powerful framework for understanding the difficulties and dynamics we experience with our mothers, framing them as essential, chosen paths toward personal and ancestral healing.

Click to read more & register - this is at midnight UK time. You'll get a recording if you register.

'Meeting Dr. Lotte has been a life-changing experience. Thanks to her, I have understood my mission in this life and have been given meaning when I needed it most. The healing session has turned out to be super positive and transformative, and today (one week later) I can see quite important changes in my character, it is as if I have recovered a part of my long-forgotten being. Thanks so much, Dr. Lotte, I'll never forget you.' Monica Castells

Barcelona, Spain

Need essence support? Explore Inner Child: Mother essence - For mother issues or issues related to women offered by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

How is the Blue Light Affecting Your Body - Nancy Rebecca

in this 22 minute video Nancy Rebecca talks about ascension symptoms arising from the blue light. This includes:

  • How different organs are being activated
  • The role of the gallbladder
  • Which organ is likely to give you trouble if you overgive to others
  • Probable heart symptoms as our heart expands and awakens
  • How the nervous system will be activated
  • Our lymph system is generally sluggish now - there are suggestions how to bring in more vitality
  • Take time to comfort and reassure your body as we go through this change
  • The role of sexual energy
  • Pace yourself and have fun

Watch Video

Need essence support? Try Strength & Wellbeing essence by Crystal Herbs to restore welleing. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Activate Your LIghtbody Through Dance - Sept 10/11

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As the founder of Dance of Oneness®, Banafsheh has helped thousands around the world break free of limiting beliefs, trauma, and pain and embody their true potential, peace, and clarity through sacred dance - and a pure, and loving heart.

She teaches that through the activation of your light body - the energetic dimension of your body that holds and emits higher frequency energy or light - you hold the power to shift any emotional state, come into balance and coherence, and heal your ailments.

Across history, many spiritual teachers have mapped out a process for light body activation and ascension. Among them, Mary Magdalene, the Sufis, and sacred dance align in a profound and curious way.

In this free online event discover how sacred dance, Sufi wisdom, and the wise and loving teachings of Mary Magdalene provide a potent map for healing, inspiration, and ascension.

During this inspiring event, you’ll:

  • Discover the hidden connection between Mary Magdalene and the Sufis to become familiar with your human heritage that can help you know yourself better, become more aware and compassionate - and live a fuller life
  • Learn how sacred dance can activate your light body and catalyze your ascension by bringing you into trance or altered states - and helping you embody your spirituality and spiritual growth 
  • Explore what the light body actually is - which is not about vanishing into the light but unifying body and soul, matter and energy as one for wholeness and spiritual development
  • Be introduced to Mary Magdalene’s map of ascension along the Great Tree within to gain a greater understanding of your own great potential for ascension
  • Discover how profoundly important you and your contributions are in helping humanity make an evolutionary leap forward as we clear old paradigms individually and collectively at this pivotal time in history - the profound transition point between the end of one precession cycle and the beginning of a new which happens every 12,000 years


Banafsheh will also guide us in a movement and meditation practice that accesses your light body by gently opening and balancing the heart chakra through dance, breath, sensual fluid movement, and visualisation.

Click to read more & register - this is at midnight UK time. You'll get a recording if you register.

'Banafsheh’s teachings opened my heart. The dancing opened my spirit! I loved this class.' Jamie, Arkansas

Need essence support? Explore the range of Lightbody essences offered by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Metatronic Healing - Ancestral Clearing: The Paternal Line - Sept 18

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Ancestral Clearing: The Paternal LIne - Wed Sept 18

This is the first of a 2 part healing, one for the woundings held in the Paternal Line of your family and one for the wounding held in the Maternal line. It can be taken as part of the whole or each as a stand alone session.

Those traumatic experiences of the Male line in the past, if not processed or healed at the time, but rather supressed or arced over, are passed on through the Paternal Line. This Karmic wound sits deep in the system pulling us out of our true nature and into recreating or continuing the cycle until someone steps up to begin the healing.

Because of where Metatron is in Divine Reality, in this session it is possible to soften or in some cases release a whole structure of Karmic wounding held in the Paternal (father’s) line, thus not only freeing this wound or conditioning in those in the past but those in the present and future too.

This is a rare and unique opportunity to be touched and have your Paternal line touched by the healing power of this awesome Divine Intelligence that we know as Metatron.

Read more and book

Need essence help? Try Metatron's Blend by Crystal Herbs from their Sacred Geometry range to awaken you to your full potential. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Free Oracle Card Reading

Choose ten cards. then three for your strengths, weaknesses nd your future - then click for your reading.

Enjoy Your Free Card Reading

Crop Circles

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Many spiritual channels say that crop circles are actually a language, if only we could understand it. 

With the crop circle season offering a bumper harvest I thought you might enjoy browsing the latest messages:)

Browse 2024 Crop Circles

September Forecast

An Interview with Hope Fitzgerald - author of The Infinity Wave

In this 53 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory gives an update for the first half of September. This includes.

  • Expect a lot of earth events such as earthquakes, flooding and eruptions

  • Truth will be revealed in powerful places

  • Electromagnetic events such as internet outages

  • You may feel restless and want to break free. If so, follow that urge. If you don't jump, you may find the universe will push you.

  • Ancestral patterns will be coming up for clearing


  • Clutter clearing your environment, your diet, your mental processes is key to make the most of the solar flares

  • There may be issues around water - both water pollution and conflict at sea

  • Immunity and health will be in the news - we may see renewed attempts at government control

  • Authenticity will be a big theme

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Virgo - Mercury/Chiron essence by Spirit of Transformation. This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Activate Your 13 Chakra System - Sept 15

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Just when we think we have an understanding of our 7 chakra system, humanity takes another giant leap in evolution. We shift. Our chakra system has to 'upgrade' to handle the new higher vibration that is penetrating the planet, preparing us for 5th dimensional living and beyond.

As a result of these vibrational shifts, our bodies, minds and spirits are morphing at a phenomenal rate. The advanced spiritual chakra system with 13 chakras is coming increasingly into humanity's awareness. It's possibly activating in your body now.

In this livestream workshop, Linda Penny will help you learn how these amazing vortices of energy raise your vibration, align you with the new energy and are full of immense amounts of fascinating information.

You'll learn through sound meditations, experiencing frequencies and discussion.

Alongside explaining the 13 chakra system, Linda will use the tuning forks so you can experience them for yourself. 

Book now to gain, through experience, a solid understanding of the sounds and colours of the 13 chakras and how they influence the existing 7 chakra system.

Click for more details & book

'Linda is a wonderful and engaging presenter, clearly very knowledgeable in her field.'

'Fabulous session, good group interaction led and encouraged by Linda. Lots of great knowledge shared. Very pleased to have joined.'

Need essence help? Explore Chakra Essences by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Organic Skincare Offers - up to 75% Off Clearance

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Bee Lovely Offer - 25% Off

Get a hand wash and shower gel from the Bee Lovely range and save 25% and help the bees. 3% of Bee Lovely sales are donated to bee friendly charities. 250K donated since the launch in 2011.

Shop Bee Lovely Offer

Heritage Offer: Currently there's a trio of your favourite items at a discount as well as savings on a collection that includes sleep lotion, lip balm and eye gel.

Shop Heritage Offer

Get a Free Toner and up to 30% off a treat product

Spend 47 GBP or more on your favourite cleanser and moisturiser and you'll get a free toner and up to 30% off a treat product.

Shop Free Toner Offer

Clearance - up to 75% Off

Shop Clearance

Free UK Shipping Offer

Spend over 50 GBP and you get free UK shipping

Shop All Current Offers - this link will have new offers added in the coming weeks

Browse Neal's Yard 2024 Catalogue

Delivery to UK & Ireland only

Making light of it
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'To decide the future, live the present and learn from the past'. Catherine Langenkamp

Try Decisiveness essence - Empowering Choice by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Investing in Growth

I hope you've found value in the information shared here. If you feel moved to support my continued endeavours, you can donate here.

Even a small amount helps me help you.

With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.

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Personal Essence Guidance

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This material is copyright. Please do not replicate large sections of this newsletter. However a short quote or content referral with a link back to the newsletter is fine. Thank you for your support.

Affiliate Links

Some offers and links are in affiliation with Crystal Herbs, Neal's Yard, Sounds True, the Shift Network, Earthing Revolution, Water for Health, Aquan, Amazon, Leonie Dawson and Energy Wave Brighton.

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