Karma Coach Newsletter | October 2024

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This issue features a channeled interview with Zac in which he says that one of the most important skills to learn right now is how to find and maintain coherence with whatever reality we find ourselves in. The more we resist the current and upcoming changes, the more life will feel a struggle, whereas the more we can surrender and align ourselves with what's happening the easier it will be. As we accept 'the now' instead of fearing the dismantling of old structures we can experience excitement about what will take their place. In the video below.Zac gives us a very quick and easy practice to help with this.

The science behind coherence and how it heals us is the subject of a free workshop below led by the Director of the HeartMath institute and you can learn how to bring your mind and heart into alignment during the free workshop on sound healing as well as understand the science behind brain and heart coherence in the work of Joe Dispenza, whose movie Source is screening free this weekend.

Blocks to coherence can include ancestral beliefs and patterns which you can release with Metatronic Life who are healing the maternal line this month.

Throughout this time we need to be like a lightning rod conducting the new light nto our nervous system and releasing any toxicity into the earth. That means being as grounded as possible and being mindful of the water we drink and especially its mineral content which helps conductivity. More on that below.

This is the last reminder of the attunement offer if you'd like to get guidance and healing energy from nature.

If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS Holiday. The office is closed on October 11 & 16.

PPS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses may cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.

To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.

20% Off Personal Attunements - Ends Sept 30

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Would you like to know your current soul path, purpose and challenges - and get some support with them?

Unlike personal guidance which is restricted to certain essence ranges, when I do a personal attunement I throw open the windows to the universe and allow any frequencies to come through that can offer you guidance, insight and support at this moment of your evolution. 

They may focus on ancestral or past life healing, they may be essences which work by showing you messages in dreams or which amplify your psychic gifts or soothe heartbreak or clarify your purpose. They may also help you to release intense trapped emotion so you can come back calmly to your centre.

I never know what I'll be shown. I completely clear my mind and I'm always wiling to be surprised - which is just as well because I'm sometimes presented with things I've never heard of:) NB If you consider the almost limitless number of possible essences it's significant if you find an essence repeats from a previous attunement - it's plainly a key soul theme you've agreed to work on that has many layers.

This month's reader offer is 20% off personal standard attunements - whether with a bottle or as a transmission. Delivery will go to the email and postal addresses on paypal unless you request otherwise. The paypal confirmation is the only one you'll receive. Your order will be processed in five working days.

Read more about the attunement offer & order - ends Sept 30 and is only available to readers - if you've found this on social media please opt into the mailing list.

'The last attunement definitely hit the nail on the head and I experienced most of the things you said would happen, such as a painful jaw and bringing up un-shed tears (I don't think I've ever cried so much!) But am feeling much better for it, thank you.' Jake, Student, Cardiff, Wales

What's the difference between a standard attunement and a de luxe attunement?

In addition to what you receive in a standard attunement, a De Luxe Attunement includes an interpretation of the essence blend, your soul lesson, your totem animal, your guardian angel, a personal affirmation and suggested next steps. These are very time-consuming so they're rarely, if ever, reduced. If you've never had one before, however, you can use your introductory discount. Only a limited number can be done each month.

Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips

From Closed & Distrustful to Confident & Open - Reader Offers

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Do you find it hard to speak up? Have you sacrificed too much? Do you feel stressed or poorly treated? Do you have co-dependent tendencies?

The stunning blue of Lapis Lazuli tells you it works in the throat chakra. So often this can be an emotional bottle-neck where we choke back what we want to say. 

We suppress emotions arising from the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart causing depression, guilt, resentment and a lack of confidence. Physically we may experience this as tension across the neck and shoulders, teeth grinding, headaches, sore throats and dental problems.

When we take Lapis Lazuli essence it allows us to detach from the merged identity we create with co-dependence so that we can see clearly how we've become entangled in someone else's goals and needs and how we've sacrificed our own.

This essence cleanses negativity from our energy field and protects and uplifts our spirit, helping us to expand our consciousness to gain greater insight into ourselves and our lives. It helps us develop our psychic gifts and is an excellent essence to take when doing inner work or practices such as meditation or Shamanic journeying.

It encourages us to listen with compassion and awareness and to express ourselves honestly and with integrity, so it supports greater closeness and intimacy and open communication.

I don't sell single essences but you can order Lapis Lazuli on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until Oct 11. It's also part of the Spirit of Transformation Throat Chakra and Sagittarius-Jupiter blends. - these qualify for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last. The offer code does not apply to blends.

Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Lapis Lazuli and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.

  • Lapis Lazuli - releases buried emotions and hidden fears. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
  • Angel of Truth invites you to express more of your true self - with love. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
  • Crystal Essence Collections - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Lapis Lazuli - as well as a complete collection of 20 crystal essences. Discount code below.
  • Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.

Reader Offer & Code until Oct 11

You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.

Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code

Drawn to more than one essence? If Lapis Lazuli appeals but so do other essences, you can have your own custom blend of flower & crystal essences made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB Rose and Bach essences are best used only with others in the same range, so you won't find them on the list of options.

Personal Attunements: You can also request Lapis Lazuli as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.

NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.

Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers

The Next Level Science of Sound Healing - Oct 5

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Modern science reveals much about the role of sound in the creation of our universe - as well as its role in fueling and healing our very bodies and energetic systems.

Almost all atoms in the Universe create sound, and those sounds of creation give birth to light - the same light that radiates from stars and the infrared light that radiates from all of us, shares acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid

These phenomena provide a massive clue that the most direct path to healing may well be through immersion in sound and light frequencies.

You’re invited to join us Saturday, October 5, at 10:00am Pacific or 6pm UK time, for a 60-minute event during which John will share with you exciting new frontiers of sound healing, including the healing power of light frequencies.

The goal of all energy medicine modalities, including sound, is not to directly heal the body - for only the body can heal the body - but to cultivate the conditions within which your body can heal itself. It’s about bringing the entire mind, body, and soul together in balanc - in harmony.

Are you ready to explore the healing intelligence of sound and music frequencies

Join John for this journey into the healing potential of sonic science, light science, and music as medicine!

In this free workshop you’ll:

  • Learn how sound creates infrared light, which powers the structured water-building mechanism in cells, which in turn powers our biology
  • Watch a profound experiment with pure water, which reveals how the cells of your body are powered by life-giving electricity
  • Explore some of the many medical conditions that can be supported by frequency medicine in the form of light therapy
  • Discover how some music tracks automatically generate the ELF acoustic energy needed for optimal vagus nerve stimulation
  • Discover how you can boost your immune system, bring light and balance to your bodily systems, and activate your capacity to heal at a cellular level

Click to read more & register - you'll get a recording if you register.

'I’d like to acknowledge that John Stuart Reid is an extraordinary researcher of sound, one of the best on the planet. He’s knowledgeable and affable. His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.' Jonathan Goldman, Founder of the Sound Healers Association

John is a pioneer who knows so, so much about the science of sound.” Jeralyn Glass

Crystal singing bowl master alchemist

Need essence support? Try Harmony & Tranquillity essence spray by Crystal Herbs to calm your mind and balance your emotions. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

A Simple, Powerful Way to Detox & Energy Enhancement

In this 10 minute video Maureen McDonnell at the NRG Energy Enhancement (EE) centre speaks to the inventor Dr Sandra Rose Michael about the importance of detox baths. Having done many of these now myself they definitely have a big impact, not just on eliminating toxins but also on calming the nervous system and relaxing muscles.

So even if you can't do an EE session, I'd highly recommend the baths. Also given that we're composed of salt water, a salt bath - or a swim in the sea - allows us to expand more fully into our soul wisdom, as our inside environment connects to the outside. It can't be just me and Archimedes who has their greatest 'aha'; moments in the bath/ shower:)

The recipe for the detox bath - it needs to be at least 30 minutes for the full effect - is:

  • 2 cups of sea salt minimum - not Epsom salts (Dr Michael explains why in the video) The sea salt pulls toxins out.
  • 2 cups of baking soda - this combats radiation poisoning, something we're all subject to
  • 1 cup of borax (she recommends the brand MuleTeam) this helps to detox fluoride as well as pull synthetic biologies such as pharmaceuticals.

After the bath it's good to rub in coconut oil or magnesium oil - most of us are deficient in magnesium which helps us relax.Oil also helps because skin can get dry afterwards. If you don't have access to a bath then a foot bath is a great alternative.

Energy Enhancement

EE is wellbeing technology for the aquarian age. Unlike pharmaceuticals that often override the body's functions or suppress and interrupt healing symptoms, EE eliminates harmful radiation that now surrounds us and allows our cells to fully charge and re-oxygenate. This allows deep detoxing and genuine healing.

As well as improvements in health conditions such as Parkinson's, diabetes, lung and skin conditions and PTSD many people report signs of overall health improvements such as:

  • stronger faster growing nails
  • less wrinkles and softer, glowing skin
  • thicker hair that can reverse greying
  • better balance, memory and mental clarity

Read Testimonials - just click on the keyword for the issue you'd like to read about

The Brighton EE Centre

A new Energy Wave EE centre has recently opened in a converted church. There's a Berkey Water filter to ensure you stay hydrated, Energy Wave Brighton.

Reader Offer - To get an introductory discount, just use the code karmacoach10 when you checkout. Please note: if you want more than 2 hours you need to book consecutive 2 hour sessions. You can only use the discount code once, so please put all the hours you want into the basket before inputting the code. If you're unsure please call Fiona 01273 435364 to book, mentioning my name for the discount. or email her.

Browse & Book Sessions at Energy Wave Brighton

Not in the UK? Find your nearest centre on this location map. It only shows centres affiliated with Jason Shurka's network Unifyd Healing who therefore abide by the agreed maximum hourly rate. UK centres that have recently opened include West Yorkshire, Bristol, Brighton, North Yorkshire, Cardiff, Whitstable, Bedford, Southampton and Fife. Overseas new ones have opened in Peru, Romania, Bermuda, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Greece, Thailand and Australia and there are many new ones opening in the USA.

Vary Your Water - Drink Locally - Connect to the Earth

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I've recently been reflecting on the discoveries of Veda Austin and other researchers that water carries ancient wisdom and has its own consciousness. One of the reasons that many of us feel we don't belong or we don't fit in is that we're disconnected from this consciousness which lies not only in water but also in the soil.

To strengthen that link with mother earth it's important to vary your diet and eat locally where possible so that you physically connect with the land where you live via your microbiome. In the same way I think it's helpful to drink local water that's been through the soil around you, if that's an option. A variety of water sources also bring in different minerals and new information.

In addition to my filtered water I now add spring water from a local Demeter Biodynamic farm and locally sourced mineral water from Pear Tree Well, Take a look and see what's available near you. Small changes can make a big difference.

Water Options

Need essence help? Try Angel of Purification essence by Crystal Herbs to cleanse and release toxic beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences

Recent posts include: your emotions can't lead you astray, water is a portal, you haven't met all of you yet, effects of parentification, you were never hard to love, every time someone is cruel to you, our triggers reflect our pain, your relationships to joy, stormy weather and the two elements of human emotion.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X

Reduce Anxiety, Increase Compassion - Oct 1/2

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Have you noticed greater levels of stress and worry? Increased feelings of hopelessness, a decrease in your ability to adapt and be resilient, or even challenges with your health or relationships?

The Director of Research at HeartMath® Institute Rollin McCraty says that when we play an active role in raising our own vibrational state, we can learn to navigate not only our daily lives with more ease, we can play an active role in raising global vibrational awareness - contributing to a more compassionate and peaceful world.

Would you like to help love go viral?

During this workshop, you’ll learn about what heart coherence is - a scientifically validated state in which your heart and brain are energetically aligned and cooperating with one another - and how to capture its power to transform your mind-body experience of life to one of happiness, wholeness, and love - through wisdom and practices that are grounded in science.

And, when you learn how to do this, you not only create harmony within yourself - you raise your personal frequency and allow it to infuse the whole planet with the higher vibration of love.

In this experiential hour-long event on Tuesday, October 1 (or Oct 2 UK time), you’ll:

  • Learn that when you understand the current global energetic state and how it personally affects you in a negative way, you can decrease your anxiety, increase your compassion, and elevate your ability to mitigate stress, worry, and hopelessness
  • Experience HeartMath’s Attitude Breathing™ technique to shift and balance your mental and emotional energy, anytime, anywhere
  • Understand how the collective emotional climate affects you on conscious and unconscious levels, and explore strategies to improve your quality of life on many levels
  • Uncover the importance of taking personal responsibility for expanding your awareness and raising your own vibrational state, to cultivate greater ease in your daily life 
  • Reveal that when you raise your personal vibration through love and compassion, you help establish a new baseline of human consciousness -contributing to a more positive and supportive global energetic field
  • Embrace the concept of helping love go viral by actively practicing and spreading love and compassion in the global energetic field - enhancing your sense of purpose and connectio

Click to read more & register - this is at 1.30am UK time and you'll get a recording if you register.

\At this time of profound disturbance in the world, it is wonderful to have a simple coherence practice. In communion with others around the world, it is contributing to a positive, unified future for the planet and all of us living here. A brighter future is possible! Lisa, Brooklyn, New York

'My life has been challenging physically, mentally, and emotionally the last few months. This class gave me insights and helped soooo much. This work is so dang simple and transforming. I dealt with Covid and serious vertigo during this course, and it was the heart coherence that helped get me through. I also learned how to trust my gut instincts - a huge one for me.' Alaya, Lacey, Washington

Need essence support? Try Awakening the Heart essence by Crystal Herbs to dissolve old hurt in the heart and allow joy and love to be received. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Release static build up for more energy

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'Feel so much more 'human and connected' since using my Earthing Revolution mat. So many niggly health problems on the wane, plus my inflammation levels reducing dramatically My grounding mat is now a central part pf my life.' Su Brown,

We're electrical beings and.like all electrical devices we need to earth. Nature designed us to do this by putting our bare feet on the earth but we've insulated ourselves with rubber and synthetic soles. This leads to a build up of electrical charge from the electromagnetic pollution in our environment and a build up of positive ions which cause us to feel irritated, tired, disconnected, ungrounded and out of sorts. We rend to feel this most in our nervous system, so if you're carrying unprocessed trauma and already have a sensitive nervous system, grounding is essential to bring down anxiety and help you feel safe enough to fully inhabit your body.

The products below are all ways you can earth yourself in your indoor environment, releasing the accumulation of static electricity and replenishing healthy electrons.

You can download this guide to earthing to find out more

Read Reviews of Earthing Revolution Products - including relief from knee and neck pain, aching from old injuries and sleep disturbance. Discount code is karmacoach.

Clint Oben, the author of Earthing made his first generation earthing products using silver thread woven into things such as fitted bed sheets and mats because silver conducts electricity but over time our natural body oils cause the silver to oxidise so he's since created carbon-infused mats that are effective far longer. Earthing Revolution are his exclusive distributors in the UK.

Watch Clint's Video about Earthing with some fascinating healing stories

These second generation products include:

Read more and browse earthing products - use the code karmacoach at checkout for your discount - this won't work with any current discounts. Please call Jen for advice if you need to know what's best for your issue. She's super helpful and is in contact with Clint himself for any questions: +44 (0)20 8037 7792

Watch Jen's Product Videos and hear her story on their youtube channel

'When I do sleep, I find I'm getting more benefit from sleeping than I was before.' Jennifer Lang

'I've recently started using the Earthing Pillow combined with the Earthing sheet. I sleep well and in the morning my head feels clear, having been protected from the radiation of electrical devices next door. Thank you.' S. Ellis

Need essence help? Try Feet Chakra essence by Crystal Herbs to fully open to the Earth. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Ground Yourself in Grace - Oct 8/9

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Are you able to feel the blessings present right now?


This is another way of asking if you're truly open to grace - the direct experience of Divine presence coming alive within you. 

When you see your life as the unfolding of grace, it can help you navigate challenges and uncertainties with greater surrender, courage and trust, says spiritual teacher and interfaith minister Miranda Macpherson.

You can explore the true power of grace during a free online event with Miranda, on Tuesday, October 8 (or October 9 UK time) - including how grace is a powerful tool that can reconnect you to the boundless love, awareness, peace, strength, and joy that you are - which we tend to lose sight of when we’re stressed, overwhelmed, ill, or in need.

Grounded in extensive study of the worlds’ wisdom traditions, and inspired by Sri Ramana Maharshi, A Course in Miracles, and the Diamond Approach, Miranda has been guiding others into direct experience of the sacred for over 30 years.

During Miranda’s event, you’ll:

  • Recognise the source of spiritual struggle within you and start opening to the boundless love that resolves it 
  • Be guided in a meditation to ground in grace - easing fear and anxiety and instilling greater trust in yourself, the Divine, and life
  • Open to the transmission of Grace that stops the ego chatter and invites you to experience Unshakable Presence.
  • Open to receive Grace beyond your mind through prayer
  • Understand how everything that appears to be an obstacle can be turned into a gateway to greater awakening
  • Discover how to be still and take a deeper 'seat' in your meditation practice

Click to read more & register - this is at 1.30am UK time and you'll get a recording if you register.

'Miranda is the real deal. She is a standout as a spiritual teacher, and she is a stand up as an individual in that she truly walks her talk. Life is not perfect, and Miranda lives that with a grace and authenticity that is unparalleled by many teachers. If there is such a thing as angels walking the Earth, then Miranda is one. Do not be mistaken in assuming her softness and beauty is as deep as she goes. Miranda is a powerhouse and a force for change in this world.' Laura Bergman Fortgang, Author of Living Your Best Life

Need essence support? Try Angel of Grace essence & spray by Crystal Herbs to allow more ease and flow into your life. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Metatronic Healing - Ancestral Clearing: The Maternal Line - Oct 16

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Metatron's Arc - Free World Peace & Healing Oct 9

Metatronic healers Richard Farmer and Clare Glennon invite you to join a free event to send healing to the Earth.

Click to read more & register for Metatron's Arc

Ancestral Clearing: The Maternal LIne - Wed Oct 16

Those traumatic experiences of the female line in the past, if not processed or healed at the time, are passed on through the Maternal Line.


This Karmic wound sits deep in the system pulling us out of our true nature and into recreating or continuing the cycle until someone steps up to begin the healing.

Because of where Metatron is in Divine Reality, in this session it is possible to soften or in some cases release a whole structure of Karmic wounding held in the Maternal (mother’s) line, thus not only freeing this wound or conditioning in those in the past but those in the present and future too.

Read more and book

Need essence help? Try Metatron's Blend by Crystal Herbs from their Sacred Geometry range to awaken you to your full potential. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Source Movie Free Screening - Sept 29

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Be Part of a Global Community that Believes in Possibility, Transformation and Connection

For the first time in the history of meditation studies, scientists have discovered something profound happening inside someone’s body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is practiced.

Powered by InnerScience Research Fund, this powerful film celebrates Dr Joe Dispenza’s work, a global community, and the research being conducted by a team of dedicated scientists.

This documentary proves the incredible potential that lives within us. It has the power to inspire, educate, and empower, aligning in perfect synergy with InnerScience’s mission and vision.

Discover the Mind’s Extraordinary Potential to Influence the Body. 

Join us as we celebrate the global release of our documentary in 15 new languages! Our virtual and free festivities include: screening of the film, a special Interview with Dr Joe Dispenza, and highlights from the Research Team interviews.

Click to watch trailer & claim your free ticket

'When I was diagnosed five years ago 40% of the bone marrow was cancer and was progressing. And then, after the Dr Joe Dispenza retreat and the coherence healing, the oncologist called me on the phone. Charlie the bone marrow test came back with nothing. There's no cancer here, not even a residual part that would have been expected with the chemotherapy.' Charles

Essence support: Try Mental Body essence - Lightbody Range by Crystal Herbs to help you clear negative thought patterns and core beliefs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

What Does the Ascension Process Mean For You - Diana Cooper

in this 4 minute video angel expert Diana Cooper explains which chakra Earth represents in the universe, what makes the Earth unique and where we are now in the ascension process.

Watch Video

Need essence support? Try Ascension essence blend by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Crystals For Shadow Work - Oct 10 & 17

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Shadow work addresses the aspects of ourselves that we keep hidden; emotions like guilt, regret, and shame, as well as the complex ways we mould ourselves to 'fit in'. This 2-part livestream workshop teaches you how to safely explore and heal your shadow with the help of our crystal friends.

In this two-part online workshop, Crystal author Gemma Petherbridge will offer you a safe space to explore the emotions that you are ready to release and show you how crystals can help you to do this. You will discover new ways to use your crystals as energy tools, as well as multiple techniques that will serve you for many years to come in healing and releasing trapped and residual unprocessed emotion from the body.

Shadow work in the month of October

October is the time of year when we naturally look inward, while Halloween / Samhain also heightens our intuition. Additionally, according to Gemma Petherbridge's book, The Crystal Almanac, October falls in the water element season, which is the perfect time to explore our emotions. These aspects make October an ideal month for emotional healing. Once you have learnt the skills in this workshop, you can return to them at this time each year.

Click to read more & register

Need essence support? Try Icosahedron essence - Platonic Solids by Crystal Herbs to increase the flow of life force, creativity and divine feminine energy it corresponds to the element of water. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Free Tarot Card Reading

Choose the reading by clicking the 'free tarot' option that appears. Then click to choose five cards and again for what each represents. Enjoy Your Free Card Reading

The Tao of Long Life - Oct 13

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Taiji Ruler Qigong is an ancient longevity and healing exercise attributed to the 10th century Taoist hermit, Chen Xiyi. The gentle rocking movements, combined with simple hand gestures, stimulates energy in the feet, lower back, abdomen, and hands, clearing blocked pathways and building a tremendous reserve of healing qi (energy). 

It's a great practice for personal wellbeing and to warm and charge up the hands for massage or a healing hug or handshake!

Ken Cohen’s Taiji Ruler teacher, B. P. Chan, learned directly from a student of Zhao Zhongdao (died age 118), who opened the first Taiji Ruler Health Clinic in Beijing in 1954. 

Click for more details & book

'I can honestly say that floodgates of qi opened for the first time and it has been an experience without words'. M.W.

Need essence help? Try Angel of Strength essence by Crystal Herbs to reconnect you to power and strength at times of fatigue or self-doubt. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Unveiling the Future with Zac

An Interview with Hope Fitzgerald - author of The Infinity Wave

In this 60 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory talks to Zac, a higher consciousness channeled by Janet Treloar. This includes.

  • The importance of groups in shifting frequency and creating healing
  • We're now able to invent new technologies that will help us to evolve more quickly
  • Love and coherence are very important at this time and through 2025
  • The more we're in coherence the more easily we'll assimilate the changes
  • Making time to rest and play is a priority to support coherence
  • At any time of day point to your heart and say silently or out loud;'my desire is to be in coherence with my environment, my surroundings and my life'
  • This practice will also help you acknowledge and accept what's going on in your life
  • Expect hormonal changes over the next few years
  • Our own heart is always connected to the heart of the universe in the wide galaxy
  • We'll see a vast increase in the insect population that have been depleted, including the bees
  • The changes will be happening mainly through your nervous system, so be gentle with yourself and enjoy calming, nurturing down time
  • Because animals, trees, crystals, water and plant life have no resistance to change but humans do, we can therefore learn a lot from nature which is evolving faster than us.

Watch Video

Need essence help? Explore the Archangels & Ascended Masters essences by Crystal Herbs to connect to higher consciousness. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Release, Trust & Let Go - Oct 12

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Join the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert and bestselling author Emma Mumford for an intimate workshop this October in London! 

During the Release, Trust & Let Go workshop…

  • Emma will guide you through powerful tools, rituals and practices to help align with abundance and manifest your desires this Autumn.
  • Working with the Autumn energy, you’ll learn Emma’s 3-step Release, Let Go & Surrender process to tap into flow state, trust the Universe and become magnetic to your desires.
  • Learn about eclipse season and embody the energies supporting us to step into a brand new abundant season of our life.
  • A deeply healing sound bath, EFT (Tapping) & EMDR sessions from Emma to help identify and release any blocks holding you back from abundance.
  • Ask your burning manifestation questions to Emma and get coached by Emma on your specific blocks and struggles. 
  • A lunch break including a meet and greet and book signing with Emma.

Get ready to release anything no longer serving you and step into your most abundant season yet! 

Read more & book

“Emma Mumford’s tools really work and will get you the manifestation results you want.” Mel Robbins, author of the bestseller The 5 Second Rule

'Emma Mumford is devoted to leading, inspiring, and encouraging women to step into who they truly are.” Rebecca Campbell, Hay House author

Need essence help? Try Inner Child Prosperity essence by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Essential Oil Offers & Up to 75% Off Clearance

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Frankincense Essential Oil 15% off: Frankincense has been used in sacred ceremonies and as an aid to wellbeing since Ancient Egyptian times. The oil works to calm and revitalise the nervous system and to clear a busy mind so you become focused and present. It's said to 'deepen the breath' so it's helpful for sinus and bronchial problems as well as stress, all of which can cause shallow breathing, allowing in less oxygen and creating stagnant energy.

Sniff it on a tissue, put it on a hanky inside your pillow or put a few drops into a diffuser.

Shop the offer on Frankincense Essential Oil - 15% Off Ends Sept 30

Frankincense is also in Neal's Yard's Women's Balance Remedies to Roll and Meditation Remedies to Roll

Explore handy roll on blends for every occasion

Shop all essential oils

Be Prepared: If you like to get organised you can browse Christmas gift sets here

Heritage Offer: Currently there's a trio of your favourite items at a discount as well as savings on a collection that includes sleep lotion, lip balm and eye gel.

Shop Heritage Offer

Get a Free Toner and up to 30% off a treat product

Spend 47 GBP or more on your favourite cleanser and moisturiser and you'll get a free toner and up to 30% off a treat product.

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Making light of it
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'Nourish your body with good food. Nourish your mind with good books. Nourish your soul with good friends.' Anthony J. D'Angelo

Try Emotional Balance essence - Restoring Emotional Stability by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

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With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.

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Some offers and links are in affiliation with Crystal Herbs, Neal's Yard, Sounds True, the Shift Network, Earthing Revolution, Water for Health, Aquan, Amazon and Energy Wave Brighton

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