Karma Coach Newsletter | July 2024

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One of the deepest wounds we can heal is the mother wound. All of us have a need to be welcomed into this world at birth, to feel safe and cherished.

Unfortunately, for so many reasons, this often doesn't happen and if we don't recognise and accept that, we can spend out life in search of the mothering we wished we'd received and still yearn for.

Only when we accept that what our mother gave us was all she could give us - and sometimes that's limited to the gift of life itself - can we find peace and accept that the task of nurturing and loving that hurt yearning child within us is down to us.

Inner child work is one of the most healing journeys we can embark upon and, as we gather our fragmented child aspects back into our hearts, fully seen and heard, we become stronger, more whole and more able to relate to others without subconscious agendas.

This issue features a free workshop to help you connect to healing wisdom from your ancestral maternal line, and to increase self-acceptance and self-love join Blake Bauer's livestream workshop. Learn how to heal your nervous system with stone medicine from Taoist expert Sarah Thomas. Two other workshops will take you on shamanic journeys and there's a crystal essence that helps you move safely through dimensions and timelines as you do so.

The more you connect to the spirit reams the more important it is to stay grounded, so there are some mats below that will help you to do that whether you're working, doing yoga or asleep.

There's also a free evening of Metatronic healing to pep up your immune system and a session to balance the Divine Masculine energy within you, which will also allow your Divine Feminine energy to feel more supported.

And finally there's an update from astrologer Pam Gregory on what to expcet for the first half of July - hang on to your hats:)

The issue is also your last chance to get half price essence guidance.

If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.

To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.

Half Price Personal Essence Guidance: Ends July 14

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50% Off Personal Essence Guidance

Unsure what you need? Maybe you can't decide between two blends or you look at a range and think: 'I need them all!'.

Guidance Offer until July 14: order half price personal guidance, usually 16 GBP, now only 8 GBP to learn which of the 65 Spirit of Transformation blends is most resonant for you now. 

Half price guidance:

  • can be used with transmissions or bottles
  • multiple orders - you can select multiple guidance sessions for yourself or others.. Just email and specify who they're for, once you've ordered. 
  • multiple transmissions - If you order more than one transmission and they're all for you, simply email when you're ready for the next one. Please leave at least 3 weeks between transmissions.
  • multiple bottles - if you'd like more than one bottle, each has to be ordered separately so that you cover postage for each bottle.
  • you can use the offer more than once in the offer period

Read more and order half price guidance

This guidance offer is only open to readers. If you're not on the mailing list please opt in and get your free soul flower reading here

What's the difference between essence guidance and an attunement? When giving guidance I ask which of the Spirit of Transformation blends you need now, when attuning for a personal blend for you the essences could come from anywhere in the natural world and the blend is unique to you.

'The day before I received the attunement transmission, I had such a sore throat and a few bouts of quite a violent cough throughout the day, to the point where I thought I was coming down with something. Then the next day, it had gone and later on I was amazed to read in the attunement that my throat needed clearing and I might experience a tickly cough!

Also, absolutely correct about feelings of sadness and isolation and everything else mentioned amongst it all too! I do hope that this can help to clear some of the regular feelings of grief as it's definitely affecting me on a regular basis.' Tracy, UK

Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities: July 6

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Have you ever thought that a coincidence you experienced was actually way beyond coincidence?

If you look back on your life, you’ll likely realise just how much you were shaped by the people you’ve 'accidentally' met and unanticipated events that changed your story and the course of your life.

For Robert Moss, bestselling author and creator of Active Dreaming, synchronicities like this happen all the time. He believes that if you pay deep attention to these extraordinary moments and recognise them as signs meant to guide you on your journey they can transform you and lead you down a path you’re supposed to travel.

Join Robert on Saturday, July 6, for an illuminating hour, in which you’ll explore ways to attract more synchronistic moments into your life, so you can find more meaning and direction in the narratives you create. 

This is the art of kairomancy - one of the core techniques of Robert’s signature method, Active Dreaming.

Robert will guide you to become a kairomancer - poised to recognize special moments of synchronicity and seize the opportunities they present.  

In this revelatory hour-long event, you’ll: 

  • Explore the arts of the kairomancer, someone who can notice extraordinary moments of synchronicity and understand the doors they open
  • Experience a journey into the Imaginal Realm to reveal the larger story you need to follow right now
  • Uncover ways to claim your voice through the power of telling your story - and have others hear (and want to hear!) you
  • Discover that there are real places in the Imaginal Realm that you can visit to encounter master teachers and experience healing and inspiration
  • Learn about Robert’s original and powerful 'Dream Transfer' technique which will enable you to bring a dream to someone in need of a dream - a healing image, a vision of life possibility, or even a road map to the next world
  • Understand that the stronger your imagination, the less imaginary your result will be!


Robert, an enthralling dreamer and storyteller himself, will take you on an experiential journey, empowered by shamanic drumming, into a magical place in the realm of true imagination where you’ll sift through a library of images and signs to recover lost dreams and find the story - the big dream -you need for your life right now.

Read more and register - if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'With great warmth and precision, Penelope expands the field of interspecies communication to a spiritual awareness of the interrelatedness of all beings.'

Linda Tellington-Jones, Founder of the Tellington-Jones Equine Awareness Method

Need essence help?Try Soul Purpose essence by by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips

From Anxious & Confused to Clear & Calm - Reader Offers

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Do you have a busy mind - maybe it causes you to overthink or keeps you awake at night? Are you feeling anxious or unsure of yourself? Do you feel let down by others or have you lost faith in the universe? Do you feel unclear about the situation you're in -wishing you could understand what's really going on? Are you feeling drained? Do you feel you're in the middle of a shift?

Labradorite works on our third eye, stimulating our inner vision, our intuition and our psychic gifts, so it's a wonderful essence if you need clarity. It dispels illusion and helps you see the truth and the real intention in any situation.

It's also a great ally on any shamanic journeys or deep meditation as it facilitates moving across other dimensions and timelines while grounding you, so you're able to bring spiritual information safely into your body and interpret it with ease. Additionally it creates a protective bubble around you to repel unwanted energies and plugs any parts of your energy field where you may be allowing energy to drain away.

Labradorite calms your mind and stimulates your imagination so there's space for inspiration and new creative ideas. It eases stress and doubt, filling you with optimism and confidence and encouraging you to go inwards for answers.

All of this means that Labradorite is an ideal choice if you're in a period of transition. It will keep you safe and shed light on the way forward.

I don't sell single essences but you can order Labradorite on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until July 12. Labradorite is also part of the Inner Joy - Transforming Despair essence blend and the Clarity & Perspective - Clearing Confusion spray by Crystal Herbs. These blends are not part of the offer.

Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Labradorite and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.

  • Labradorite - helps release overwhelm and creates harmony. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
  • Angel of Transmutation This spray raises your frequency to help you through a major shift, easing suffering. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
  • Crystal Essence Sets - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Labradorite - as well as a collection of 20 core crystal essences. Discount code below.
  • Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.

Reader Offer & Code until July 12

You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.

Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code

Drawn to more than one essence? If Labradorite appeals but so do other essences, you can have your own blend made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB You won't find Bach remedies or Rose essences in the list of options as these are best used only with others in the same range.

Personal Attunements: You can also request Labradorite as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.

NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.

Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers

Doorways into the Wu with Stones & Crystals: July 2/3

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How do you care for your nervous system during times of stress, challenge, or change? 


Ancient Taoist stone medicine masters harnessed the healing frequencies of stones and crystals to access the Wu - the pure potentiality of the Universe that reveals what’s truly possible for our lives. 


The Divine frequency of stones and crystals still offer powerful medicine for grounding, cleansing, connecting with nature and each other - and elevating our energy as their timeless wisdom helps us adapt to stress and settle into a felt sense of safety within us that allows our spirits to soar. 


This Tuesday, July 2 (or Weds July 3 UK time), certified stone medicine practitioner Sarah Thomas will share her top 5 stones for healing the nervous system gleaned through decades of studying the ancient Taoist principles of stone medicine.


Founder of Clarity Stone Medicine, a practice dedicated to integrating the healing properties of stones into holistic health treatments, Sarah has educated practitioners and enthusiasts alike and continues to research and develop new techniques in stone medicine that contribute greatly to the field’s growth and evolution.


Stones and crystals can naturally ground, cleanse, heal and awaken the deeper potential of our bodies, minds, and spirits and realign us with the frequencies of the Earth by instilling a deep-rooted feeling of harmony, peace, and belonging within that naturally radiates outward.


Throughout this illuminating online event, you’ll discover:


  • Why healing and calming your nervous system is a secret key to spiritual awakening
  • Why stones and crystals are the quintessential Earth medicine for restoring the nervous system
  • The best stone trophorestoratives for the nervous system - and stones tonics that act like adaptogenic herbs, raising our threshold for stress
  • How to apply these stones on the body as healing treatments and jewellery - and safe and effective applications for pets and children


Sarah will also guide us in a gentle intuitive healing practice with stones and crystals to soothe the nervous system and calm the heart.

Click to read more & register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'If I could give Sarah Thomas 5,000 stars, I would! She is the perfect guide to explore stones and crystals because I can always feel her deep love and sincerity and her Tao of being a true guide on this subject.' Drew Greenland

Essence support: Try crystal essence sets by Crystal Herb and self-select the ones you want. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

The Earth Element - A simple way to restore wellbeing

In this 1.5 minute video Jen explains how and why she got involved with Earthing, the benefits she saw in herself and her family as inflammation and anxiety levels decreased and symptoms improved.

You can download this guide to earthing to find out more

Read Reviews of Earthing Revolution Products - including relief from knee and neck pain, aching from old injuries and sleep disturbance. Discount code is below.

Clint Oben, the author of Earthing made his first generation earthing products using silver thread woven into such things as fitted bed sheets and mats because silver conducts electricity but after a while our natural body oils cause the silver to oxidise so now he's created carbon-infused mats that are effective far longer.

These second generation products include:

These are all ways you can earth yourself in your indoor environment, releasing the static electricity build up and replenishing healthy electrons.

Read more and browse earthing products - use the code karmacoach at checkout for your discount - this won't work with any current discounts. Please call Jen for advice if you need to know what's best for your issue. She's super helpful and is in contact with Clint himself for any questions: +44 (0)20 8037 7792

028 037 77

'I've had severe pain in my knees for approximately 12 months. Since using the mattress cover the pain has completely disappeared. I can't recommend it highly enough.' Georgina Ewington

'I'm using a holistic approach to my health problems following a decision not to undergo further surgery on my spine. The difference to my life is amazing. I've gone from chronic pain and extreme exhaustion to being full of energy and able to cope easily with my pain. This Earthing sleep mat was the first holistic solution I started with, my sleep has improved and I feel balanced, energised and very positive. I'll never be without my Earthing sleep mat and smaller Earthing mat again.' Anny B

Need essence help? Try Feet Chakra essence by Crystal Herbs to fully open to the Earth. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences

Recent posts include: there comes a day when...., the antidote to shame, ask permission of nature, our capacity for embodied pleasure, thank you for the signs, you are an aperture, I will never have this version of me again, feeling safe in someone's energy, we are the earth, boundaries and

thank you for the signs.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X

Your Ancestral Mothers: July 11/12

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What would it feel like to receive boundless, nurturing, supportive mothering? Wouldn’t it be a blessing to know that there were mothers to call upon and turn to whenever you needed them?

Co-founder of the Way of the Rose and author of Take Back the Magic Perdita Finn shares that you can cultivate, restore, and strengthen your maternal spiritual connections - beginning now.

You’re invited to join us Thursday, July 11, at 5:30pm Pacific (July 12 UK time) for a 60-minute event during which Perdita will teach you how to access the nurturing wisdom of your maternal ancestors, helping you to replace anxiety with deep-seated faith and open to a more abiding love.

She’ll guide you through a deeply moving meditation, where you will invite a maternal spirit from the other side to assist you with a personal challenge,helping you rekindle the eternal bonds of love that transcend your earthly existence.

As you connect with this maternal presence, your eyes will be opened to the vast possibilities for love and support available to you, and you’ll understand that love is not about moving on but about returning, again and again. 

You’ll discover that, in some important ways, we never truly leave our loved ones behind and that every person you meet can be seen as your child, and that we've all been each other’s mothers in one lifetime or another - a deeply moving perspective that fosters love across lines of acrimony and division.

Perdita will also discuss practical ways you can foster these connections daily for sustained spiritual wellness and peace.

During this illuminating hour, we’ll explore how you can summon all kinds of mothers to answer your prayers, alchemize your relationships with your own mother, and connect to your future mothers in incarnations to come.

Read more and register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'Perdita has profoundly changed the way I see myself and all humanity in relation to all the other beings on this Earth with us. Beings both living and all those who have gone before. She makes the long story tangible and has greatly expanded and deepened my relationship with the dead. You will be expanded in ways you can't foresee!' Mary Porter Kerns creator of The Flowers Are Speaking oracle deck

Need essence help? Try Inner Child - Mother essence by Crystal Herbs to release and clear issues related to your mother, to nurture to intuition or sensitivity or to women in your life.. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

July Astrology

An Interview with Hope Fitzgerald - author of The Infinity Wave

In this 50 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory gives an update on what to expect for the first half of July:

  • We may need to focus and be disciplined over the next few weeks, we have to be patient and work steadily through things, especially things to do with authority.

  • In the next couple of months we'll see illusion drop away and truths revealed in areas to do with toxicity, immunity and the bloodstream

  • A part of your life may be dissolving at the moment so something new can come in.

  • The antidote to the fast-moving energy of change is to put your bare feet on the earth


  • Water is going to be in the news in relation to pollution

  • You may feel more sensitivity to suffering both in humans and animals and an increase in compassion.

  • The more you can consciously focus your energy on creative activities the less energy you''ll have for negative thinking.

  • UK election results will be announced on the new moon.

  • The more structured the water that we use, the more light it can carry. This is important both in the water that we drink and bathe in and the water we use to grow our food.

  • There could be some shocking news about Donald Trump and some changes in Biden's health

  • There is likely to be a major shift in the leadership of France

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Cancer-Moon essence by Spirit of Transformation. This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Metatronic Healing - Free Immune Support & The Balanced Masculine

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Free Immune Support

Metatronic healers Richard Farmer and Clare Glennon are offering free online sessions to support you with viral challenge. Next Session: July 9

Read more and register for enhanced immune support

Metatron's Fundamentals- Saturday July 6

The Whole/Balanced Masculine: For the Masculine to be whole, it needs the Feminine. In the Yin Yang Symbol, each has a piece of the other. The wounded Masculine in all of us needs this balance. For you and society to be natural and whole, this part of us needs to be healed and supported.

So, within this Metatronic Fundamental of the Whole Masculine, when the Attunement (a re-tuning of the heart) and the Transmission of the Whole Masculine (an energetic healing gift woven into your heart) is given, both are brought into a healthy balance with itself and one for the other - a true partnership.

Read more and book

Need essence help? Explore Meditation, Stillness & Going Within essence themes by Crystal Herbs to help you find inner focus. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Free Tarot Card Reading

Choose ten cards from the tarot deck then choose which of those cards relate to different parts of your reading. Click for your reading.

Enjoy Your Free Card Reading

Deep Self Love & Worthiness: Livestream Workshop July 11

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From the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep we're either hurting ourselves with our thoughts and habits or we're caring for, healing, and valuing ourselves with our thoughts and habits.

Join international bestselling author and wisdom teacher Blake D. Bauer for a workshop that will teach you exactly how to build a healthy, optimal, and loving relationship with yourself in the present - with your thoughts, emotions, energy, and physical body.

Blake will share the seven optimal human habits each of us must master in order to heal, be well, and find lasting peace. These practices represent exactly how to love yourself, how to treat yourself as worthy, how to truly forgive, how to make important changes, and how to cultivate deep presence and self-respect.

If you feel stuck it’s likely because there’s a blind spot in your mindset, ego or approach. Blake will help you identify and shift your personal habits of self-harm, self-rejection, and self-betrayal in a lasting way, leading to your next breakthrough.

Learn why suffering such as anxiety, depression, chronic self-doubt, addiction, illness, and relationship problems are logical cries from your body, soul, and subconscious mind asking you to finally value, accept, forgive, care for, and be true to yourself each day.

In a culture that perpetuates and encourages high levels of illness-causing stress, we need to understand exactly how to slow down, find our centre, regulate our nervous system, and care for our mental, emotional, and physical health in very grounded and practical ways. This workshop will provide precise techniques and instruction to overcome your fears, mend old wounds, transform negative thinking, and rebuild trust in yourself.

Join Blake to deepen your understanding of how to stop hurting yourself, how to stop allowing yourself to be hurt, how to feel worthy, and how to finally take care of your life without feeling guilty for wanting to be happy, well, and loved. 

Click to read more and register

'Blake has helped me to see how I can fill myself up with happiness by being true to myself and by valuing what I have rather than consistently focusing on what I don’t.I would recommend Blake and his work to anyone who is questioning their place in this world, their purpose in life. If you’ve lost the ability to laugh every day, if you feel like happiness evades you, if you’re struggling to let go of the past for whatever reason – make contact.' Natalie H

Need essence help? Try Self-Love & Self Care essence - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Astral Projection for Ancestral Healing July 5

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The traumas and triumphs of our family tree echoes in the expression of our genes. Discover the link between your genetic heritage and the astral realms, explore how this practice can resolve patterns and reprogram ancestral imprints within your DNA.

In western science and core shamanism ancestral healing has been shown to resolve anxiety, addiction and depression linked to intergenerational trauma. Break the cycle and embrace the blessing of your ancestors by redefining your path. Leave a legacy that ignites your lineage and impacts the world.

Joining Jade is her dear friend and special guest Shaman Yaacov Darling Khan. Together they take you on a powerful altered state journey to meet your ancestors.

This workshop is part lecture and part shamanic journey that draws from transpersonal psychology, shamanism, epigenetics and somatic movement.

At the end of this workshop you'll takeaway:

  • Deepened understanding of ancestral trauma and its impact on present-day experiences.
  • 3 practical steps for beginning your own astral projection practise, including the ability to access and navigate the astral realm for ancestral healing.
  • Empowered techniques for identifying and releasing ancestral patterns and limiting beliefs.
  • Greater insight into epigenetics and how it influences gene expression and ancestral healing.
  • Strengthened connection with ancestral spirits and wisdom through astral projection and shamanic journeying.
  • Transformational shifts in mindset and behaviour towards healing intergenerational wounds.
  • Cultivation of self-compassion and forgiveness towards oneself and ancestors.Integration of ancestral healing practices into daily life for ongoing healing and growth.
  • Supportive resources for continued exploration beyond the workshop e.g guided meditation and interactive hand out sheets.


Click for more details & book

‘It was absolutely lovely to have Jade as a teacher, she’s very patient, clear and funny! I feel less alone and more attuned with my own power and capacities to travel among other realms. Since the class ended, I’ve had very profound visions and meetings with celestial beings' Ariane Cote

Need essence help? Try Inner Child Family - by Crystal Herbs helps to clear & release inherited family patternsUse the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

The Upper Room: a Channeled Workshop for a New World July 6-7

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The work of Paul Selig has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course in Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970’s.

The award-winning author and channel will lead a powerful weekend workshop in London where he and his Guides will unpack their practical program for achieving personal growth and overcoming the obstacles that are hindering you on along the way.

Through channeled lectures, attunements, Q&A and energy work, Paul and his Guides will lead you on an unforgettable journey of self-development to achieve new levels of alignment, healing and life purpose.

In this workshop, you will:

• Become attuned to a higher frequency that you can trust and feel

• Free yourself from patterns of limitation and fear

• Learn to send and receive healing energies

• Acquire tools to transform your life and access your divine nature

• Have the opportunity to ask questions to Paul & his Guides

Click to read more and book for London

Click for overseas workshops - in Ireland, Costa Rica, Hawaii and the USA, as well as online

Click to watch Paul on youtube

'Authentic, straightforward truth, straight from the source field.' Deepak Chopra

Need essence help? Try Energetic Alignment Spray - Soul Connection by Crystal Herbs to connect to your higher guidance and enhance connection. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Up to 30% Off in the Summer Sale - Ends July 8

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Summer Sale - Up to 30% Off

The big summer sale ends on July 8. There are savings on everything from hair care to skin care. Grab your favourites while stocks last.

Shop Up to 30% Off - Summer Sale

Heritage Offer: Currently there's a trio of your favourite items at a discount as well as savings on a collection that includes sleep lotion, lip balm and eye gel. Shop Heritage Offer

Skincare Offers

Save up to 30% with these skincare offers that allow you to buy a collection of the most popular products or to select the ones you prefer and get a free toner.

Shop Skincare Offers

Clearance - 50% Off

Shop Clearance

Outlet Bargains of Discontinued items up to 70% off includes:

Shop Outlet up to 70% off

Free UK Shipping Offer

Spend over 50 GBP and you get free UK shipping

Shop All Current Offers - this link will have new offers added in the coming weeks

Browse Neal's Yard 2024 Catalogue

Delivery to UK & Ireland only

Making light of it
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'A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.' Douglas Pagels

Try Closeness & Friendship by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Investing in Growth

I hope you've found value in the information shared here. If you feel moved to support my continued endeavours, you can donate here.

Even a small amount helps me help you.

With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.

Quick Links

Personal Essence Messages

Personal Attunements

Coaching Sessions

Personal Essence Guidance

Visit our Website

This material is copyright. Please do not replicate large sections of this newsletter. However a short quote or content referral with a link back to the newsletter is fine. Thank you for your support.

Affiliate Links

Some offers and links are in affiliation with Crystal Herbs, Neal's Yard, Sounds True, the Shift Network, Earthing Revolution, Water for Health, Aquan, Amazon and Zenrji.uk

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