Karma Coach Newsletter | Mid September 2024

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If you have periods of feeling unusually tired or anxious at the moment you aren't alone. As ever more high frequency light bathes the earth we're prompted to release low frequency emotions and beliefs in the form of difficult emotions. It can feel a bit of a roller coaster ride:)

it helps to understand what's happening by listening to your own higher guidance or other trusted spiritual sources rather than mainstream media, so you aren't taken by surprise when major change occurs. And moving into a higher frequency is always easier with less emotional baggage, so anything you can do to identify and release it now, is really worthwhile and will smooth your path.

In this issue there's a spotlight on a superb flower essence for strengthening your connection with your own higher guidance as well as a short video by clairvoyant Nancy Rebecca explaining the impact of sugar on spiritual connection . The new Brighton EE centre is offering a discount on scalar enhanced jewellery which helps to protect and strengthen your energy field. There's also a chance to create your own sound healing journey and a way to tap into your own spiritual guidance courtesy of Julia Cameron, author of the Artist's Way. You can also travel to the moon and back with Qi Gong Master Ken Cohen who's teaching astral travel.

An effective and easy way to release a lot of baggage is to participate in the work by Metatronic Life on healing your paternal line and there's a free workshop on releasing stress and overwhelm using somatic awareness. Lastly there's a round up of what to expect for the rest of this month by astrologer Pam Gregory and tips on how to manage ascension symptoms by Diana Cooper.

If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS I can't take on new coaching clients until the end of October but you're welcome to contact me before then to discuss your situation and possible start dates.

PPS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses may cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.

To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.

20% Off Personal Attunements - Nature's Messages For You

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Would you like to know your current soul path, purpose and challenges - and get some support with them?

Unlike personal guidance which is restricted to certain essence ranges, when I do a personal attunement I throw open the windows to the universe and allow any frequencies to come through that can offer you guidance, insight and support at this moment of your evolution. 

They may focus on ancestral or past life healing, they may be essences which work by showing you messages in dreams or which amplify your psychic gifts or soothe heartbreak or clarify your purpose. They may also help you to release intense trapped emotion so you can come back calmly to your centre.

I never know what I'll be shown. I completely clear my mind and I'm always wiling to be surprised - which is just as well because I'm sometimes presented with things I've never heard of:) NB If you consider the almost limitless number of possible essences it's significant if you find an essence repeats from a previous attunement - it's plainly a key soul theme you've agreed to work on that has many layers.

This month's reader offer is 20% off personal standard attunements - whether with a bottle or as a transmission. Delivery will go to the email and postal addresses on paypal unless you request otherwise. The paypal confirmation is the only one you'll receive. Your order will be processed in five working days.

Read more about the attunement offer & order - ends Sept 30 and is only available to readers - if you've found this on social media please opt into the mailing list.

'Nikki's attunement and the essences specially blended for my particular case have helped me enormously in moving on from past hurts and to be in a "good" place within my spirit. She has also helped my daughter with an attunement blend to heal and accept her life with optimism and hope.' Virginia, Writer, London

What's the difference between a standard attunement and a de luxe attunement?

In addition to what you get in a standard attunement, a De Luxe Attunement includes an interpretation of the essence blend, your soul lesson, your totem animal, your guardian angel, a personal affirmation and suggested next steps. These are very time-consuming so they're rarely, if ever, reduced. If you've never had one before, however, you can use your introductory discount. Only a limited number can be done each month.

Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips

From Confusion & Self Doubt to Clear Guidance & Decisive Action - Reader Offers

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Are you unsure how to act in a difficult situation? Do you know what you want but can't see what steps to take to get there ? Do you want a closer relationship with your inner guidance?

With so many conflicting viewpoints around us it's easy to think:. Who's right? Who's wrong? The next thing you know you're stuck in 'analysis paralysis' and you start diverting energy into inessentials to avoid deciding on your next step.

Edelweiss is a great ally when you're in this space because it takes you to the highest possible vibration that you can currently hold. When you see your path from the vantage point of your higher self you no longer see through a lens of duality but through one of unity consciousness There's no right or wrong. You don't need to choose sides - just take the highest step you can in this moment. Once you've done that, the landscape will change and from that new situation you can check in again with your higher self. 

Edelweiss essence works on your crown chakra, filling you with the awareness of yourself as a divine being who's here with a purpose of expressing that connection to source. 

I don't sell single essences but you can order Edelweiss on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until Sept 27. It's also part of the Spirit of Transformation Soul Purpose blend. - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last. The offer code does not apply to blends.

Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Edelweiss and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.

  • Edelweiss - helps you become more aware that you're a spirtiual being. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
  • Archangel Raphael helps to remove blocks to healing & gives you a clear, truthful perspective on a situation. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
  • Flower Essence Collections - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Edelweiss - as well as a complete collection of 20 flower essences. Discount code below.
  • Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.

Reader Offer & Code until Sept 27

You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.

Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code

Drawn to more than one essence? If Edelweiss appeals but so do other essences, you can have your own custom blend of flower & crystal essences made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB Rose and Bach essences are best used only with others in the same range, so you won't find them on the list of options.

Personal Attunements: You can also request Edelewiss as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.

NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.

Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers

Relieve Stress & Anxiety Using the Body's Wisdom - Sept 17/18

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Did you know that the deeper you ground in the wisdom of your body, the easier it is to remain resilient, energised, and mentally clear when stressed?

Your spirit also feels lighter, says Suzanne Scurlock, renowned conscious-awareness and somatic-movement instructor, who has for decades taught others how to find the sanctuary within that promotes calm, stability, and wellbeing.

This free online event with Suzanne on Sept 17 (or Sept 18 UK time), offers a powerful opportunity for you to discover potent techniques for shifting out of anxiety, overwhelm, and chronic stress and into a felt sense of inner peace and clarity including a simple practice that very quickly and effectively down-regulates the nervous system.

Join us for, Alleviate Stress & Anxiety Through the Wisdom of the Body: Somatic Awareness & Soul Embodiment Techniques for Gaining Resilience in Challenging Times.

With certification in CranioSacral therapy and her own robust soul embodiment healing program, Suzanne teaches practical tools that empower us to experience joy in each moment without burning out.

In her experiential workshop, you’ll:

  • Explore how a destabilised nervous system impacts your physical health -making you more vulnerable to illness and chronic health conditions as your resilience is lost
  • Discover a simple yet profound breathing practice that you can use daily to help counter anxiety and overwhelm
  • Learn how to access present-moment sensory awareness to help find your inner calm
  • Gain an understanding of how soul embodiment feeds and nurtures your daily resilience
  • Experience the peace and presence of your own inner oasis

When your nervous system is relaxed, your entire world opens up through a tangible feeling of safety in your body and being that you can immediately recognise,

One that supports not only your optimal health - but your dreams, gifts, and spiritual progress, as well. 

Click to read more & register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'Suzanne is a spectacular teacher and healer. She is real, accessible, clear, and encouraging. Her knowledge and expertise create trust, and her voice is a pleasure to follow. She has a gentle, nurturing spirit combined with so much knowledge. An admirable and beautiful soul.' Mary, Indianapolis, Indiana

'Suzanne’s course definitely reassured me on things I intuitively felt but did not always feel allowed to share and teach. I learned a lot about the power of empathy and presence through Suzanne.' Paola, Paris, France

Need essence support? Try Harmony & Tranquillity Spray by Crystal Herbs to keep you calm and balanced . Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Energy Enhancement Systems - New Sussex Centre

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NEW - Sussex EE Centre: Brighton

I feel very lucky that Brighton now has its own Energy Enhancement centre - pictured here - only a short drive from where I live. Whether you want to resolve an existing emotional, physical or mental health issue or simply boost your lifeforce and energy levels and strengthen your spiritual connection, just walk in and sit down. It's as easy as that:)

EE is definitely wellbeing technology for the Aquarian age. Unlike pharmaceuticals that often try to take over the body's functions or suppress and interrupt uncomfortable healing symptoms, EE eliminates the radiation that now bombards us and allows our cells to fully charge and re-oxygenate. In such an optimum environment so much detoxing and healing can take place.

Many people report signs of overall health improvements such as:

  • stronger faster growing nails
  • less wrinkles and softer, glowing skin
  • thicker hair that can reverse greying

Conditions that have been helped with EE include:

  • lungs and breathing
  • arthritis
  • skin conditions
  • PTSD
  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • torn ligaments
  • macular degeneration
  • anxiety
  • gum disease
  • thinning and greying hair
  • allergies

Read Testimonials - just click on the keyword for the issue you'd like to read about

Post EE Detox

Dr Sandra Michael who invented the system, describes detox as 'non-negotiable' within 24 hours of an EE session. A lot of toxins will be flushed into your bloodstream which you need to excrete as efficiently as possible, so stay well hydrated when using the system as well as afterwards. There are various detox recipes, ideally for a bath but if not, then a foot bath - allow at least 30 minutes. Dr Michael specifically says not to use Epsom salts and to rinse off thoroughly and then moisturise with coconut oil afterwards if possible, as salt is very drying. Click for Detox Bath Recipes

The Brighton Centre

The new Energy Wave centre has recently opened in a converted church. There's a Berkey Water filter to ensure you stay hydrated, Energy Wave Brighton.

Reader Offer - To get an introductory discount, just use the code karmacoach10 when you checkout. Please note: if you want more than 2 hours you need to book consecutive 2 hour sessions. You can only use the discount code once, so please put all the hours you want into the basket before inputting the code. If you're unsure please call Fiona 01273 435364 to book, mentioning my name for the discount. or email her.

Browse & Book Sessions at Energy Wave Brighton

Scalar-Enhanced Jewellery - order by 20 Sept for a 15% discount

if you watched Dt Micheal's video in the last issue you'll know that the EE scalar enhanced jewellery is very protective and healing. The medallion creates a protective field that extends 5 feet around you. Fiona at the Energy Wave Brighton is currently taking orders for jewellery, so if you'd like a bracelet (62 GBP) or a medallion (100 GBP) please email her with your choice of crystal.by Friday 20 Sept for a 15% discount. Browse Medallions & Bracelets on the US Site

Not in the UK? Find your nearest centre on this location map. It only shows centres affiliated with Jason Shurka's network Unifyd Healing who therefore abide by the agreed maximum hourly rate. UK centres that have recently opened include West Yorkshire, Bristol, Brighton, North Yorkshire, Cardiff, Whitstable, Bedford, Southampton and Fife. Overseas new ones have opened in Bermuda, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium and Australia and there are many new ones opening in the USA.

Structured Filtered Water - Portable Pure & Delicious

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Do you know you should drink more water but struggle with the taste or think it's an expensive option? This very reasonably priced jug creates delicious naturally alkalised, anti-oxidant and hydrogen-rich water. It fits into a fridge door and is easy to travel with. it will save you a fortune on bottled water and is good for the planet

It uses the cleansing alkalising far infra red bioceramic balls that you may have seen in Nikken filters. Their Biocera jug goes beyond a typical filter jug. You can quickly and easily transform tap or bottled water into alkaline water, rich in hydrogen. The 1.5 litre jug:

  • Alkalises water, typically elevating the pH from 7.5 to 9.5
  • Stimulates the release of active molecular hydrogen
  • Filters chlorine and reduces heavy metals and dissolved organic residues (benzene, pesticides)
  • Uses natural bioceramic minerals to emit low levels of natural energy and improve water structure
  • Alters the water's ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential), typically to between -100mV and -250mV
  • Made from BPA-free plastic and NSF certified
  • 1.5-litre capacity and easily fits in the fridge door

Read more, watch video & order a filter jug - Reader Discount Code: just put in NW005 at checkout. It's not valid with other discounts.

'Since I switched from tap water to this filter jug, I’ve become an evangelist! I love the fresh delicious taste. It was so surprising how different it was and I'm very happy to have made the switch. My whole family are drinking more. Even my skin seems to be enjoying the change. It’s also easy to use and clean.’ Jules, real food champion, Lincolnshire.

Read more & order - Reader Discount Code: just put in NW005 at checkout. It's not valid with other discounts.

Shipping is tracked:

UK - Free over 40 GBP

EU - 9.75 GBP

Outside the EU - 25 GBP shipping

Questions? Email or Tel: 01764 662 111 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm UK time. Please mention my name. They're a friendly family-run company based in Scotland.

Products Include:

Browse Water for Health Special Offers - the offers on this link will change

Need essence help? Try Angel of Purification essence by Crystal Herbs to cleanse and release toxic beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences

Recent posts include: the relationship between people-pleasing and trauma, how emotions can feel in your body, ten ways to show up for yourself, the role of adrenal glands, the cause of negative patterns, when you are the voice of god, the significance of shared past in relationships and the importance of 30 seconds.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X

Sound Healing Journeys with the 5 Elements - Sept 24/25

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Would you like to learn how to create beautiful, nurturing sound-healing journeys for yourself?

Bodhi Starwater, sound healer, musician, and author of 5 Elements of Sound Healing, creates some of the most exquisite sound-healing journeys, and he’s eager to teach you how you can too.

And you don’t have to have any previous musical experience!

Join Bodhi for an illuminating hour-long event on Tuesday, September 24, at 5:30pm Pacific (or Sept 25 UK time) where you’ll learn the five principles of sound healing and how to create a sacred space for sound-healing sessions, as a novice or seasoned musician to design transformative experiences for yourself and others.

As Bodhi says, we’re all made up of the five elements - fire, water, earth, air, and ether - and when they’re balanced within us, we’re at peace.

So, depending on his intention for any given sonic ceremony, Bodhi integrates the elements in distinct ways to create the most powerful combination of sounds that will balance the music and your system.

Bodhi has been working with sound meditation, sound healing, and sacred sound journeys for over 40 years,over the decades, he’s added many instruments to his orchestra, including exotic flutes from around the world, conch shell, charango, guitar, Tibetan bowls, feathers, keyboards, drums, and rattles.

His music is used in yoga studios, health spas, and health care practitioners offices, and has been heard by millions on multiple streaming sites.

During this complimentary one-hour event, you’ll: 

  • Learn how to establish a sacred container, a focused and intentional space that deepens the effectiveness of your sound-healing sessions by creating a powerful, impactful, and supportive environment for transformation
  • Explore how different instruments align with the five elements and discover ways to incorporate them into your sound-healing sessions to achieve the healing intention 
  • Acquire techniques for entering and exiting sound-healing portals - transitional states of consciousness that can be accessed and navigated during sessions to elevate the healing experience
  • Experience practices to expand and harness the power of your breath for enhancing your own presence during sound-healing practices and amplifying the experience for both you and those receiving your sound bath
  • Understand the significance of incorporating space and silence into sound-healing practices to facilitate the integration and assimilation of healing energies

Guiding you to use your breath to enhance your experience, Bodhi will offer a brief sonic ceremony, using the grandfather flute, rattle, bell, feather, and harmonica (bring your own harmonica if you have one!), to open the portal of peace.

Click to read more & register - this is at 1.30am UK time but you'll get a recording if you register.

'Bodhi is the kind of extraordinary teacher that meets you where you are and makes you feel incredibly welcome, capable, competent, and engaged at every level. I love the integration of the elements and understanding how they work together. I look at them as building blocks and I was able to associate instruments with them in a new way.' Alex

Need essence support? Try Hexahedron Platonic Solid essences by Crystal Herbs to give focus and structure to any creative endeavour. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Wired & Tired? Plug into the Earth

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'I've been practising yoga for over 15 tears and teaching it since 2012. I've never experienced the grip on a yoga mat like it!. This mat has the best material for stopping any slipping, even in Hot Yoga.I love the thickness which gives great support' Rachel Coleman

We're electrical beings and.like all electrical devices we need to earth. Nature designed us to do this by putting our bare feet on the earth but we've insulated ourselves with rubber soles. This leads to a build up of electrical charge from all the electromagnetic pollution in our environment and a build up of positive ions which cause us to feel irritated, tired, disconnected, anxious, ungrounded and out of sorts. We rend to feel this most in our nervous system, so if you're carrying unprocessed trauma and already have a sensitive nervous system, grounding is essential to bring down anxiety and help you feel safe enough to fully come back into your body.

The products below are all ways you can earth yourself in your indoor environment, releasing the static electricity build up and replenishing healthy electrons.

You can download this guide to earthing to find out more

Read Reviews of Earthing Revolution Products - including relief from knee and neck pain, aching from old injuries and sleep disturbance. Discount code is karmacoach.

Clint Oben, the author of Earthing made his first generation earthing products using silver thread woven into things such as fitted bed sheets and mats because silver conducts electricity but over time our natural body oils cause the silver to oxidise so he's since created carbon-infused mats that are effective far longer. Earthing Revolution are his exclusive distributors in the UK.

Watch Clint's Video about Earthing with some fascinating healing stories

These second generation products include:

Read more and browse earthing products - use the code karmacoach at checkout for your discount - this won't work with any current discounts. Please call Jen for advice if you need to know what's best for your issue. She's super helpful and is in contact with Clint himself for any questions: +44 (0)20 8037 7792

Watch Jen's Product Videos and hear her story on their youtube channel

'I can confirm that all the products I've invested in are of the highest quality. These items have been a true lifeline for me and anyone who's dubious about spending their money, as we all are, can rest assured that the products at Earthing Revolution are a sound investment. A small issue I had was that my order of a Family Earthing Bundle was missing a product but when I rang about this, the phone was answered immediately, I was listened to by a real and genuine person, Jen, who without further ado set to rectify the error by sending the item immediately with a small gift for any inconvenience. There's definitely heart and soul in this company and I'd unequivocally recommend them for their quality.' Customer

Need essence help? Try Feet Chakra essence by Crystal Herbs to fully open to the Earth. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

in this 14 minute video Nancy Rebecca talks about the impact of sugar addiction. This includes:

  • Sugar triggers dopamine which gives you a false feeling of upliftment
  • The brain lights up when you eat sugar but it disconnects you from your spirit and your body
  • Sugar makes you feel you can do anything but your body can't follow through
  • A sugar crash is a reaction to the sugar which emotionally makes you irritable and frustrated and physically it causes inflammation in the brain and body.
  • Nancy sees the energy of sugar as a black tar coating your lower body
  • We often eat sugar when we don't like ourselves or we don't like others
  • You don't need much sugar to create an instant effect
  • Because sugar disconnects you from spirit it gets harder to eat if your frequency is getting higher
  • Drink lots of fluids to help the detox. If you give up sugar - you might get headaches for a few days
  • Nancy found she was much less easily triggered when she stopped sugar. She now finds it hard to get angry.

Watch Video

Need essence support? Try Inner Child - Obsessions essence offered by Crystal Herbs to stop compulsive behaviour and unhealthy habits.

'Highly recommend the above essence for releasing cravings' Nikki.

Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Metatronic Healing - Ancestral Clearing: The Paternal Line - Sept 18

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Ancestral Clearing: The Paternal LIne - Wed Sept 18

This is the first of a 2 part healing, one for the woundings held in the Paternal Line of your family and one for the wounding held in the Maternal line. It can be taken as part of the whole or each as a stand alone session.

Those traumatic experiences of the Male line in the past, if not processed or healed at the time, but rather supressed or arced over, are passed on through the Paternal Line. This Karmic wound sits deep in the system pulling us out of our true nature and into recreating or continuing the cycle until someone steps up to begin the healing.

Because of where Metatron is in Divine Reality, in this session it is possible to soften or in some cases release a whole structure of Karmic wounding held in the Paternal (father’s) line, thus not only freeing this wound or conditioning in those in the past but those in the present and future too.

This is a rare and unique opportunity to be touched and have your Paternal line touched by the healing power of this awesome Divine Intelligence that we know as Metatron.

Read more and book

Need essence help? Try Metatron's Blend by Crystal Herbs from their Sacred Geometry range to awaken you to your full potential. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Essential Tools of the Artist's Way - Sept 29

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Join Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, as she discusses the essential tools to a creative recovery: Morning Pages, Artist Dates, and Walks, plus a brand-new tool: Writing Out Guidance.

Her iconic tool, Morning Pages, are three pages of longhand morning writing about anything. An Artist Date is a once-weekly solo adventure. Walking integrates both. Millions have used these tools to find clarity, adventure and creativity.

Julia will also teach her newest tool - Writing Out Guidance.  

Julia says "Guidance lays out a spiritual path, an intuitive path, one taking us to believe in what we cannot, rationally, know."

Used by artists and non-artists alike, these tools can alter the trajectory of a life, moving you from frustration to productivity. Discover precisely how and why to undertake the tools in this live talk with Julia.

Click to read more & book

'This is a book that addresses a delicate and complex subject. For those who will use it, it's a valuable tool to get in touch with their own creativity.' Martin Scorsese

'Fascinating (and fun) ... Three times in the last decade I've committed to doing The Artist's Way's program, and each time I've learned something important and surprising about myself and my work ... Without The Artist's Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love' Elizabeth Gilbert

'I love it. A practical, spiritual, nurturing book.' Russell Brand

Essence support: Try Creativity essence - Restoring individuality by Crystal Herbs to help you create and maintain healthy boundaries. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Ascension Symptoms & How to Combat Them - Diana Cooper

in this 4 minute video angel expert Diana Cooper talks about why you may be feeling tired and anxious at the moment and what you can do to feel better.

Watch Video

Need essence support? Try Bells of Ireland flower essence by Crystal Herbs to deeply relax the nervous system, ease anxiety, stress and worry. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

The Gene Keys Prophecy of 2027 - Sept 27

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In this unique talk, Richard Rudd, author and founder of the Gene Keys, introduces his work through the lens of an extraordinary prophecy concerning a new kind of human that could emerge over the coming decades and centuries.

Drawing on ancient wisdom and scientific conjecture, Richard puts an entirely original slant on the current state of our planet, predicting a breakdown of our global systems due to climate change, culminating in a breakthrough in consciousness, rooted in a planet-wide mutation in our DNA.

Technology isn’t going to save us’, says Richard, ‘because we are the technology. We just haven’t yet awakened the miraculous possibilities that lie dormant in our DNA’.

Richard will also give us an embodied experience of what the future consciousness will actually feel like inside our bodies. Bring an open mind!

Click to read more & register - this is bookable in person and as a recotding

Need essence support? Explore Inner Vision essence - For developing inner knowing offered by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Free Tarot Card Reading

Choose the deck you want to use by clicking the arrows on either side of the Rider-Waite deck. Then choose the kind of reading you want. Then click to start the reading and choose the cards.

Enjoy Your Free Card Reading

N.B. This reading doesn't work well in Safari, so you may need to use a different browser

Shamanic Wisdom on Death & Dying - Sept 25

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Embark on a transformative journey with Shaman and author of Winds of Spirit Renee Baribeau to explore what happens at the moment of death and beyond through the shamanic lens in this fascinating livestream workshop.

At the moment of death, is there a light beckoning us to enter? Does our life flash before our eyes? Are we met and guided by loved ones who have passed? You'll discover the shamanic perspective of what happens when we pass through the sacred passage of death in this online workshop. 

Topics we'll explore include:

  • Understanding death: Explore both physical and metaphysical aspects.
  • Holding sacred space: Master the art of creating and maintaining a sacred space for those crossing over.
  • Connecting with wind spirits: Learn techniques for guidance and support through guided meditations.
  • Journeying beyond your death: A guided experience into mapping the afterlife.
  • Wind knots for grief: Discover the power of wind knots in processing and healing grief.

This livestream workshop is designed to not only provide knowledge but also to equip you with practical skills for personal and communal healing.

Book now to master helpful wisdom, not only for ourselves, but for those we may be assisting to pass over, and loved ones who may be struggling with grief and loss.

Read more & book

'Renee is inspiring. She's gentle, approachable. The level of information she gives is perfect and easy to follow.'

'Renee Baribeau's wonderful workshop was inspiring.'

Need essence help? Try Conscious Transition - Death & Rebirth essence - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

September 22 - Libra Equinox

An Interview with Hope Fitzgerald - author of The Infinity Wave

In this 20 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory tells us what to expect on the equinox which sets the scene for the next three months. This includes.

  • Try to live as many aspects of your life from your spiritual essence - check in with your guidance as often as you can.
  • It's time for each of us and humanity in general to dream a new dream
  • Relationships are likely to shift and change. Separations are likely.
  • There will be a push to bring back balance to our relationship with nature
  • Divine Feminine energy is returning in a more balanced form
  • We'll be releasing victim consciousness, so we'll no longer attract perpetrators
  • You'll be prompted to stop people-pleasing and over-compromising, which is the shadow side of Libra
  • Expect rapid developments in food production, digital currency and artificial intelligence
  • There's likely to be emotional intensity and crisis points in relationships - you may yearn for freedom and decide to move on

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Libra - Venus essence by Spirit of Transformation. This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Astral Travel QiGong - Sept 17

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Sept 17 is the night of the Chinese full moon of autumn festival, a time to celebrate nature’s beauty and to absorb the special qi (healing energy) that the moon radiates.

We'll learn classic Taoist moon meditations including how to bathe in the moon’s yin qi for health and wellbeing, traveling to the moon to realize that distance may be an illusion, transmitting lunar energy for planetary healing, and becoming the glorious moon. 

Click for more details & book

'I can honestly say that floodgates of qi opened for the first time and it has been an experience without words'. M.W.

Need essence help? Try Cancer-Moon essence by Spirit of Transformation.This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Up to 25% Off End of Summer Sale

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End of Summer Sale 25% off:

  • shower gel
  • shampoo
  • hair conditioner
  • facial wash
  • toner
  • men's range
  • mother & baby range
  • body lotion
  • bath oil
  • soap
  • massage oils
  • hand cream
  • essential oils
  • deodorant
  • eucalyptus throat pastilles
  • foot balm & scrub
  • bee lovely range

Shop 25% Offer - Ends Sept 24

15% off:

  • cleansers
  • toners
  • moisturisers
  • shampoo
  • hand wash refills
  • foam bath refills
  • bath salts
  • eye brightener
  • skin salves
  • body balm
  • facial mist
  • essential oils
  • remedies to roll
  • wild rose beauty balm

Shop 15% Offer - Ends Sept 24

Frankincense Essential Oil - 15% Off

Frankincense has been used in sacred ceremonies and as an aid to wellbeing since Ancient Egyptian times. The oil works to calm and revitalise the nervous system and to clear a busy mind so you become focused and present. It's said to 'deepen the breath' so it's helpful for sinus and bronchial problems as well as stress, all of which can cause shallow breathing, allowing in less oxygen and creating stagnant energy.

Sniff it on a tissue, put it on a hanky inside your pillow or put a few drops into a diffuser..

Shop the offer on Frankincense Essential Oil - 15% Off

Frankincense is also in Neal's Yard's Women's Balance Remedies to Roll and Meditation Remedies to Roll

Explore handy roll on blends for every occasion - currently 15% off

Shop all essential oils

Shhhhh! If you like to get organised you can browse Christmas gift sets here

Shop Clearance

Free UK Shipping Offer

Spend over 50 GBP and you get free UK shipping

Shop All Current Offers - this link will have new offers added in the coming weeks

Browse Neal's Yard 2024 Catalogue

Delivery to UK & Ireland only

Making light of it
phone-addiction image

The question is never "Why the addiction?" but "Why the pain?" Gabor Maté, M.D., In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction,

Try Transforming Addiction essence - Dissolving Dependency by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Investing in Growth

I hope you've found value in the information shared here. If you feel moved to support my continued endeavours, you can donate here.

Even a small amount helps me help you.

With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.

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Affiliate Links

Some offers and links are in affiliation with Crystal Herbs, Neal's Yard, Sounds True, the Shift Network, Earthing Revolution, Water for Health, Aquan, Amazon and Zenrji.uk

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