Karma Coach Newsletter | Mid June 2024 | |
Where does confidence come from? So many of us don't speak up, take action or allow our true selves to be seen due to self-doubt, negative beliefs about our abilities or a lack of trust in the universe.
We may miss opportunities, let exciting adventures pass by and fail to make the most of our wild and precious life because we listen to our childhood conditioning, care too much about others' opinions, live out unexamined ancestral stories or don't feel able to rely on our own higher guidance.
The combination of a strong purpose, self belief and faith that allows us to take risks, can create amazing change and shape a truly meaningful life and legacy.
This issue features a crystal essence that helps you to plug into your purpose, silence your inner critic and inspire you to action. There's a free workshop on Vedic breathing to calm your nervous system, energise your body and clear your mind and another to help you find your authentic voice.
If you'd like more confidence in connecting to your spirit a free workshop offers you a tour of the unseen realms and invites you to receive angelic messages and another helps you develop telepathic communication with animals and all other sentient life forms.
If you need a self-love boost try the free evening with Blake Bauer, and all of us can benefit from learning snake QiGong with the lovely Ken Cohen to become flowing, flexible and more energised.
if you're feeling creative there's a once-in-a-decade offer from Leonie Dawson to try the huge variety of courses from how to write a book to creating an e-course.There's also a free evening of Metatronic healing to pep up your immune system and a session to balance the Divine Masculine energy within you.
You can catch the release of The Source documentary based on the work of Dr Joe Dispenza that reveals powerful results that come from achieving heart brain coherence. And finally there's an inspiring channeling from Zac explaining how our current energetic upgrade is affecting us, what we can do to make it easier and when it will be over - not long to go:)
If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)
Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach
PS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.
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To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.
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Half Price Personal Essence Guidance | |
50% Off Personal Essence Guidance
Unsure what you need? Maybe you can't decide between two blends or you look at a range and think: 'I need them all!'.
Guidance Offer until July 14: order half price personal guidance, usually 16 GBP, now only 8 GBP to learn which of the 65 Spirit of Transformation blends is most resonant for you now.
Half price guidance:
- can be used with transmissions or bottles
- multiple orders - you can select multiple guidance sessions for yourself or others.. Just email and specify who they're for, once you've ordered.
multiple transmissions - If you order more than one transmission and they're all for you, simply email when you're ready for the next one. Please leave at least 3 weeks between transmissions.
- multiple bottles - if you'd like more than one bottle, each has to be ordered separately so that you cover postage for each bottle.
- you can use the offer more than once in the offer period
Read more and order half price guidance
This guidance offer is only open to readers. If you're not on the mailing list please opt in and get your free soul flower reading here
What's the difference between essence guidance and an attunement? When giving guidance I ask which of the Spirit of Transformation blends you need now, when attuning for a personal blend for you the essences could come from anywhere in the natural world and the blend is unique to you.
'I've used two different essence blends so far and they have allowed me to move through some very deep patterns with so much ease and grace. Very excited for the next one!' Melissa, Student, New Zealand
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Breathe New Life into Your Health: June 20/21 | |
Did you know that stress, trauma, and worry can subtly alter your breathing patterns? And as you age, your breaths may become more shallow and less efficient, undermining your wellbeing.
Dr. John Douillard, DC, recognised leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, shares that dedicating just a few minutes each day to practicing deliberate, deep-breathing exercises can significantly counteract the negative effects of breathing incorrectly.
Doing so can enhance your body’s ability to oxygenate cells, remove toxins, and support vital organ functions.
You’re invited to join us Thursday, June 20, at 5:30pm Pacific,(1.30am June 21 UK time) for a 60-minute event during which Dr. John will share with you the power of combining ancient Vedic breathing practices with modern scientific insights to help you breathe more optimally.
During the event, Dr. John will teach you how you can use your breath to combat common yet challenging conditions, such as heartburn and high blood pressure, by guiding you through pratiloma, an inspiratory muscle training technique.
This form of pranayama, which involves using your muscles to their fullest capacity to inhale air into your lungs, has been demonstrated to effectively reverse symptoms of ailments like GERD, acid reflux, and hypertension.
His unique, evidence-based approach to wellness helps restore your breathing’s natural rhythm and unlocks a multitude of health benefits, including increased physical dexterity, enhanced mental clarity, and improved emotional balance.
The simple daily practices Dr. John teaches can help you maintain vitality and thrive for the rest of your life, promoting a life of sustained wellbeing, boosting your confidence in handling life’s challenges and helping you flourish as you age.
Read more and register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.
'As an editor for such publications as Yoga Journal and Natural Health, I see a lot of “detox plans.” [Dr. John Douillard’s Colorado Cleanse] is a cleanse based on a clear understanding of body dynamics. It’s not about suffering fasting, denial but about working with your own body rhythms to create better health. My own results were undeniable: I lost 11 pounds. More importantly, my blood pressure dropped from 160/98 to 125/75. That is a HUGE gain in health.' Hillari Dowdle, Editor of Yoga Journal
Need essence help? Try Strength & Wellbeing - Restoring Wellbeing by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.
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Become an Animal Whisperer: Develop Telepathy June 26 |
Have you ever felt sad, anxious, or even guilty because you could sense your pet was struggling - and you didn’t know how to help them?
If so, you'll love this chance to learn how to do so free of charge with Penelope Smith, pioneering founder of the field she named interspecies telepathic communication and author of When Animals Speak.
According to Penelope, everyone - including you - has the ability to communicate with animals and all forms of life.
Register to join this event on Tuesday, June 25 (or June 26 UK time), when Penelope shares how you can rediscover and further develop your natural telepathic communication skills with animals and other beings.
In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:
How you can rediscover your innate skill of telepathic communication with other species, an ability everyone has but many have forgotten
How animals respond favourably to being treated as fellow spiritual beings - and why it’s been key to Penelope’s success in communicating with them for decades
How you can learn from animals and deepen your connection with them through the foundational practice of being quietly present
- The shift in consciousness you need to bridge the (perceived) gap in your human understanding of animals so you can tap into animals’ perspectives
How you can transform feelings of disconnection as you apply the skills you develop through communicating telepathically with animals to all other forms of life - including plants, mountains, rivers, areas of land, rocks, and even machines.
Penelope will also guide you through a meditation featuring shamanic drumming to the pattern of a heartbeat - to help you connect more deeply and widely with all the animals of Earth as you ground yourself and feel their consciousness.
Read more and register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.
'With great warmth and precision, Penelope expands the field of interspecies communication to a spiritual awareness of the interrelatedness of all beings.'
Linda Tellington-Jones, Founder of the Tellington-Jones Equine Awareness Method
Need essence help?Try Aloe Vera essence by Crystal Herbs to increase your intuition and sensitivity - it's also excellent for trauma release in animals. Cosmos essence is ideal for enhancing communication with plants and animals. You can have both in a blend. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.
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Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips | |
From Self Critical & Disconnected to Purposeful & Inspired - Reader Offers |
Do you have a strong inner critic? Do you feel 'not good enough' and need a confidence boost? Do you get drawn into other people's dramas? Are you drained by negative atmospheres? Do you tend to zone out when life is difficult? Do you struggle with boundaries?
Hematite is a wonderful essence if you know you need to step up and be seen and heard but you keep finding reasons why you can't. It also interrupts the judge that lives inside our head telling us we failed or we need to do better. This essence gives you the confidence to shine. instead of focusing on our mistakes, it inspires you with optimism and self-discipline so that you're able to move towards what you really want - revealing hopes and dreams that you may have hidden from yourself.
This crystal essence protects your energy field from negative energies so you're less likely to get drawn into rescuing others or confusing their lessons and direction with your own. It brings mental clarity, clearing confusion so that solutions are clearer.
Hematite is intensely grounding so it takes you out of your head and into your body - this calms anxiety and gives you the energy to do what's needed to follow your own path.
I don't sell single essences but you can order Hematite on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until June 28. Hematite is also part of the Concentration - Creating Focus essence blend by Crystal Herbs. This blend is not part of the offer.
Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Hematite and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.
Hematite - helps you focus and be purposeful in your life. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
Earth Connection Spray - Strong Foundations This spray brings you present. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
Crystal Essence Sets - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Hematite - as well as a collection of 20 core crystal essences. Discount code below.
Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.
Reader Offer & Code until June 28
You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.
Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code
Drawn to more than one essence? If Hematiite appeals but so do other essences, you can have your own blend made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB You won't find Bach remedies or Rose essences in the list of options as these are best used only with others in the same range.
Personal Attunements: You can also request Hematite as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.
NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.
Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers
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Brilliant Biz and Life Academy: Monthly Membership Offer | |
Once in a decade offer: If you'd like coaching and practical advice around money, business or your personal life, this Academy offers loads of fantastic courses and fun community forums of like-minded folk from the incredibly successful Australian entrepreneur Leonie Dawson.
Courses - which you can also buy separately - include:
There are monthly group classes so lots of peer support and there are at least 30 new courses added per year. 80% of Academy members renew every year because it's just so full of useful tools, whether you want to get more creative or be walked through how to do something like a website, a book, a course, organising your life or finances, that might otherwise seem overwhelming.
Since the Academy opened Leonie's added 40 new workshops with 50 more to come next year. Academy content is now valued at over $8,500 and contains Leonie's complete library of business building courses, workshops, templates, books and coaching.
Until 26 June Leonie's offering a monthly payment plan - last offered ten years ago. Pay 29 USD or just under 23 GBP per month and you get access to the academy, all of the courses, workbooks, the monthly coaching calls and community forums. If you'd rather not commit to the annual plan of 199 USD, this is a way to put your toe in the water and manage your cashflow.
Click to read more and join
'I've found many of Leonie's courses to be great value. She knows how to make big projects fun, easy to understand and follow in manageable steps and is always very encouraging and understanding of the emotional challenges of running a business.' Nikki
'I've got more accomplished in 2 weeks than I have in 2 months! I'm loving the course and Leonie's no-nonsense advice! I'm learning to just go with it, enjoy the process, not overthink things. Just get stuff done! That's what I've really needed and this course is helping me do that' Cassandra Key.
Need essence help? Try Business Success essence by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.
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How to Empower Your Voice: June 18/19 |
Are you ready to unlock the full power of your voice, evolve your communication skills, and claim your most authentic self - in just seven minutes a day of focused practice?
If you’re seeking a powerful tool to enhance your vocal presence, connect with your Self and others on a deeper, more honest level, and master the art of communicating with clarity and confidence world-renowned vocal coach and founder of Vocal Awareness® Arthur Joseph can help you find and unleash the power of your vocal expression and transform multiple dimensions of your life by guiding you through a variety of techniques to enhance your vocal skills and the way you hold, embody, and present your Self.
Join Arthur for a free video event on Tuesday, June 18 (or June 19 UK time), in which he’ll provide insights into the principles and evolutionary aspects of Vocal Awareness, and how it can revolutionise your communication skills.
Arthur teaches a systematic process for achieving communication mastery - a metaphor for life mastery - which ignites your capacity to be your self - any time, anywhere, no matter the circumstances as you release the facade most of us inhabit in our desire to please.
In this event, Arthur will focus primarily on the transformative practice of the '7 Rituals' - one of the primary techniques of Vocal Awareness which serve as a roadmap for unearthing your true voice (and your true self!), tapping into your higher consciousness, and realizing your true purpose and potential.
In this inspiring hour-long event, you’ll:
Discover the '7 Rituals of Vocal Awareness,' focusing primarily on the seventh ritual - 'Be My Self' - and learn how to drop your facade and embody your true self (in both your voice and your life)
Explore the concept of conscious awareness to cultivate presence and authenticity in your interactions
Acquire the third ritual technique of conscious loving breath to drop into a compassionate and receptive way of being with your Self and others
Learn how to step into your personal sovereignty through the second ritual -'Love and Let Go' - practicing a more empowered stature while connecting with your inner source of strength and authority
Understand the importance of pitch and pace in your communication and how they serve to change people’s perceptions of you, as you participate in the fifth ritual -'Take My Time'
Experience the 'Visceral Language' and 'The Body Speaks' techniques to grasp the concept of hubris as a positive force in achieving self-mastery and owning your truth
Arthur’s stated goal is to help people achieve their own enlightenment and enjoy their own empowerment.
Click to read more & register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.
'Arthur Samuel Joseph started as a teacher of mine (many) years ago. Over these years, he has become a good friend whose teachings of Vocal Awareness have been a constant in my life.' Pierce Brosnan, actor
Essence support: Try Throat Chakra essence by Crystal Herb to clear and strengthen your self-expression. Spray into your energy field, your office, studio or living space or your car.
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Astrology, Evolution and Water - From Zac | |
In this 50 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory interviews Janet Treloar who channels Zac explains:
- Our birth chart is encoded in our heart in the form of sacred geometry and this is true for all sentient beings
- Every thought and action has an impact on the universe
- Every heart changes the reality around it, into the furthest corners of the universe
- The electro-magnetic field of the Earth is changing and the magnetic field of the Earth is weakening - this is speeding up our evolution
- For a period of seven weeks ending mid-July we're experiencing energy that will provoke tremendous healing. This energy will be transferred via our nervous system and then into the water in our body's cells. During this period physical symptoms or challenging situations may get worse and more obvious. It is, however, necessary, as it will lay the foundations for much greater health in the future. Once we're past mid-July we'll be able to self-heal at a level we couldn't before.
- Over this period be very kind to yourself. Spend time in nature to ground this new energy and you'll feel more comfortable.
- Water is critical over this time to connect and stabilise this new energy
- Water has the highest intelligence of anything on the planet. The more we drink water the more we support this time of change. Drink, bathe and swim with the intention to flush out toxins. Meditating in the bath or shower will be very powerful at this time.
- The Moon cleanses water overnight.
- When we drink water it contains the astrological imprint of that moment and it interacts with the astrological blueprint in our heart
Watch Video
Need essence help? Try Heart Chakra - Unconditional Love essence by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.
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Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences |
Recent posts include: which is the hardest for you to say, if you were parentified as a child.., the best way to avoid being a victim, the most spiritual thing you could ever do, the effects of narcissistic abuse, why people over-explain, when you really do your inner work, how you learn to trust yourself, thermal activations of emotions in the body, boundaries and the mission of the Earth.
If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.
Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection
Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X
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Access Messages from the Archangels: June 22 | |
Do you have a challenge or goal you'd like support with?
Join spiritual teacher and author of Ignite Your Spirit Shakti Durga on Saturday, June 22, for a free online event in which she’ll invite you to evoke archangelic support to protect and assist you with your current challenge or goal.
You’ll explore what Shakti calls the 'V Diagram'- a map of multi-dimensional consciousness that illustrates the levels of otherworldly realms taking you from the physical (where humans exist in corporeal form) to the etheric (your chakras, aura, energy centres and meridians) to the astral plane (where we do our thinking, remembering, visualising, and more) to the soul dimension (where we access our intuition and flow state) and finally to the infinite (a state of pure bliss, where unity consciousness exists beyond form).
Shakti will guide you into the soul dimension where she says that these higher beings reside - with a specific intent to receive a message from archangels.
In this one-hour event, you’ll:
Gain an understanding of the spiritual plane through a relatable and simple model - the V Diagram - and the role of archangels, gods, and goddesses in helping you navigate your life with greater ease and grace
Identify an area of challenge in your life and ask for help from the archangels to learn and grow through it
Participate in the Archangelic Ararita meditative chant, as well as a guided meditation to connect with the archangels and seek their guidance and support
Experience a group 'Ignite Your Spiri' lift and shift session for blessings and upliftment
Learn about the greater quest of life, which is to move from ego identification into the blazing union with your own higher soul
Read more and register - you'll get a recording you can watch later.
'Shakti Durga is highly knowledgeable, able to explain deep concepts in easy-to-grasp teachings and stories, and is happy to share all that she knows. I felt a lot shifting almost immediately through the mantras and stories; healing meditations held a lot of energy and I feel it has made a significant change in me.' Mary Bobokis
Need essence help? Explore the Archangel & Ascended Master essence range by Spirit of Transformation. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.
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EE Systems - How it Works & New Centres | |
The 2 minute video above explains how the Energy Enhancement system works by recharging and oxygenating your cells, thereby creating the optimum environment for your body to heal itself.
I've now tried it myself several times using 4 hour sessions and an overnight session. I find it very clearly boosts my immune system, elevates my mood, increases my energy and gives me a higher level of mental clarity so that I can tackle challenges with greater serenity. I can feel the impact kick in after an hour. I'm going up to the Zenrji centre for another booster session at the end of this month and will report back.
You can read about my past experiences with the EE systems and the scalar-enhanced jewellery in previous newsletters
Research: read the latest research here
Testimonials: The Zenrji review page. is full of testimonials. including improvements in breathing issues, migraine, skin issues, sleep disturbance, joint pain, auto-immune problems and mental clarity. Many people have been able to come off or reduce long-term medication
Read more and book a session or order jewellery with Zenrji - the discount code is karmazen10 - not be used with bath salts or special offers.
Reader Discount: To get a 10% discount at the Zenrji EE centre, Bedfordshire,UK, please use the code karmazen10 when you order protective scalar-enhanced jewellery or book a session. If you book over the phone mention Karma Coach for the discount. NB The code can't be used with scalar-enhanced bath salts or other special offers.
New Client Offers: Book one hour and get one hour free for only 40 GBP or book 4 hours for only 80 GBP - reduced from 200 GBP. Call Tina to book on 07791 441 203.
Buy One Get 1 Free Offer - Purchase the 20 hour basic package and you get an extra 20 hours free. The same applies to a 30 hour or a 50 hour package. Hours can be shared with loved ones. See more about offers - Offer ends June 20.
Overnight Sale - There are currently major savings on all overnight sessions. See more offers
Accessibility - There's full wheelchair access and payment plans.
Jewellery Guide You may like this crystal guide to choose jewellery according to your health goals. You can also sleep in a scalar field at home by putting a medallion at each corner of your bed and one in the centre which creates a grid.
Questions? If your questions regarding EE Systems aren't answered on this webpage (best viewed on a desktop) or on the Zenrji website, please contact Tina and the Zenrji (Zenergy) Team on 07791 441 203 or Email Zenrji
Not in the UK? Find your nearest centre on this location map. It only shows centres affiliated with Jason Shurka's network Unifyd Healing who therefore abide by the agreed maximum hourly rate. UK centres that have recently opened include Yorkshire, Bristol and Fife. Overseas new ones have opened in Costa Rica, Mexico, Belgium and France and there are many new ones opening in the USA.
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Metatronic Healing - Free Immune Support & The Balanced Masculine | |
Free Immune Support
Metatronic healers Richard Farmer and Clare Glennon are offering free online sessions to support you with viral challenge. Next Session: July 9
Read more and register for enhanced immune support
Metatron's Fundamentals- Saturday July 6
The Whole/Balanced Masculine: For the Masculine to be whole, it needs the Feminine. In the Yin Yang Symbol, each has a piece of the other. The wounded Masculine in all of us needs this balance. For you and society to be natural and whole, this part of us needs to be healed and supported.
So, within this Metatronic Fundamental of the Whole Masculine, when the Attunement (a re-tuning of the heart) and the Transmission of the Whole Masculine (an energetic healing gift woven into your heart) is given, both are brought into a healthy balance with itself and one for the other - a true partnership.
Read more and book
Need essence help? Explore Meditation, Stillness & Going Within essence themes by Crystal Herbs to help you find inner focus. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.
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Choose five cards from the tarot deck then choose which of those cards relate to different parts of your reading. Click for your reading.
Enjoy Your Free Card Reading
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Deep Self Love & Worthiness: Free Talk June 27 | |
Join international bestselling author and wisdom teacher Blake D. Bauer for a free evening talk, meditation and Q&A that will support you to create a healthier relationship to yourself grounded in deeper self-worth, self-respect and self-trust.
Explore why suffering such as anxiety, depression, chronic self-doubt, addiction, illness and relationship problems are logical cries from your body, soul, and subconscious mind asking you to finally value, accept, forgive, care for, and be true to yourself in the present.
This event will be an opportunity to realign your life force energy while you contemplate where and with whom you need to value yourself, your time and your energy more.
It's an invitation to slow down, calm your heart and mind, and treat yourself with more love.
If you want things to be better, you can learn to stop hurting yourself and stop allowing yourself to be hurt. You can regulate your own nervous system naturally and self-source whatever ‘medicine’ you need.
It’s easy to drift through our days on autopilot until a wake up call hits us in the face. But you don’t need to have an accident, get sick, be mistreated, or experience betrayal to finally treat yourself as worthy.
You have a right to live and love without letting fear or self-doubt drive you. You have a right to exist as your true self, where you honour your feelings, needs, and life calling. You can learn to say your peace and wellbeing matter now in a loving, heart-centered way that benefits those around you.
At this stage you know that no one is coming to save or rescue you. You're waiting for yourself, for your own love, respect and devotion. Relief and a healthier life are not as far away as you might believe. Life and healing don’t have to be so complicated. Join Blake and our community in the simplicity and clarity of the eternal present moment, as we strengthen a loving and trusting relationship with ourselves - and thus all Life.
Click to read more and register
'I've been to many therapists, but always felt there was something missing in their teachings. When I started seeing Blake he began teaching me about how to love myself unconditionally, (all of me, no judgment only acceptance, love, compassion and forgiveness for myself) and it reached so deeply into my soul, and it made sense. It had been quite foreign to me to love myself. Blake has a gentle nature and a beautiful soul and through these he displays amazing wisdom.' Gemma V
Need essence help? Try Self-Love & Self Care essence - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.
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QiGong: Reclaiming Snake Healing Power & Wisdom: June 29 |
Learn the rare and powerful snake qigong from ancient China. These gentle movements teach you how to become supple, relaxed, and flowing like the snake, filled with resilient life energy.
In Taoism, of all the animals, the snake most clearly represents qi, the breath of life, in the body, on the earth, and in the heavens. Close to the ground, the snake knows the healing power of herbal medicine. But when the snake flies, he/she becomes the dragon, whose voice and dynamic energy manifests in thunder and lightning.
Snake symbolism is universal. Think of Scotland's 800 AD Book of Kells with its striking snake illustrations or the yoga of the coiled serpent (kundalini) that awakens higher consciousness. Snakes are humanity’s ancient teachers of healing, renewal, and wisdom. In this intensive class, you will learn a highly enjoyable snake qigong wellness routine and discover a path to deeper harmony with nature and the Tao.
Click for more details & book
'I can honestly say that floodgates of qi opened for the first time and it has been an experience without words'.' M.W.
Need essence help? Try Kundalini Rising - Awaken Your Power & Passion by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.
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The Source: It's within you - Free Online Screening June 21-23 |
Join us for the official global release of Source - It's within you. It celebrates the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, author of Becoming Supernatural.
Mark your calendars and get ready to witness the scientific exploration into the transformative power of the mind.
For the first time in the history of meditation studies scientists have discovered something profound happening inside someone's body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is followed.
Powered by InnerScience research fund, this powerful film celebrates Dr Joe Dispenza's work, a global community, and the research being conducted by a team of dedicated scientists.
This documentary proves the incredible potential that lives within us. It has the power to educate, inspire and empower aligning in perfect synergy with InnerScience's mission and vision.
Click to read more and to register for the free screening
'When I was diagnosed five years ago 40% of the bone marrow was cancer and was progressing. And then, after the Dr Joe Dispenza retreat and the coherence healing, the oncologist called me on the phone. Charlie the bone marrow test came back with nothing. There's no cancer here, not even a residual part that would have been expected with the chemotherapy.' Charles
Need essence help? Try Energetic Alignment Spray - Soul Connection by Crystal Herbs to connect to your higher guidance and enhance meditation. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.
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Up to 30% Off in the Summer Sale | |
'Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.' Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Try Graceful Change - Feminine Maturity by Crystal Herbs to move more easily through the mid-life feminine transition. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.
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I hope you've found value in the information shared here. If you feel moved to support my continued endeavours, you can donate here.
Even a small amount helps me help you.
With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.
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This material is copyright. Please do not replicate large sections of this newsletter. However a short quote or content referral with a link back to the newsletter is fine. Thank you for your support.
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