Karma Coach Newsletter | Mid July 2024

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The infinity symbol creates a powerful portal for change if you know how to use it. I often find myself spontaneously tracing it on parts of my body during healing exercises. It represents the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy and can take you out of the illusion of linear time to give you a much higher perspectve.

Below you'll find a video by Shamanic Practitioner Sarita Sol where she demonstrates two simple but powerful exercises using this symbol or 'The Eight' as she calls it, which regulate your physical body allowing you to release illness, ancestral patterning, to forgive others and balance your masculine and feminine energies.

This issue also offers you a chance to try out your medical intuitive skills on a real subject and a workshop on how to connect your inner and outer worlds through a chakra garden. There's a hypnotic meditation to remind yourself of the choices you made in between lives and a medium who will show you how to develop your own clairvoyant and clairsentient gifts, together with a free talk by intuition expert Kim Chestney who explains the science behind it.

There's an offer of Metatronic healing and you can find out your Mind-Body type and your Chrono-Type free of charge with an Ayurvedic physician and learn how to breathe in a way that that allows you to open to a much deeper experience of love and intimacy.

If you're ready to sort out your your money flow, Wealth Chef Ann Wilson is offering a series of free webinars as part of launch for the Financial Freedom University.. I've done these myself and get something new every time. Highly recommended.

And finally there's an update from astrologer Pam Gregory on what to expect for the second half of July - and a wonderful flower essence to bring joy and laughter back into your life

If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.

To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.

Become a Medical Mystic: July 20

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Would you like to learn which gifts you possess so you can reach new heights in your medical intuitive and mediumship skills - and serve others as you fulfil your higher purpose?

Register for a free hour-long event on Saturday, July 20, with celebrated Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive and healer Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest. She’ll guide you to test your medical intuition skills on the spot by energetically scanning a case study subject remotely.

You’ll be guided to make a comprehensive assessment of a volunteer with your intuitive abilities across all the clair senses - clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognisance. Then, you’ll identify your strongest supersensory gift by comparing your intuitive hits to the volunteer’s actual health conditions.

Dr. Vest will also explain how you can create a hybrid healing approach of your own featuring several different Indigenous modalities - for example, working with plants, altars, sacred space, the elements, nature, or whatever is calling to you.

Read more and register - if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is a unique and gifted medical intuitive who has a deep awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection. She brought to my awareness past and present factors that have contributed to my state of health. She proved to be amazingly accurate. I feel I can move forward with my life in a healthier, more balanced way.' Denise Carroll, California

Need essence help? Try Open to Guidance essence by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips

From Over-serious & Tense to Relaxed & Lighthearted - Reader Offers

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Are you feeling depressed, anxious or resentful? Do your responsibilities weigh heavily on you? Do you take things personally? Are you having relationship difficulties - especially with your parents? Do you find it hard to be spontaneous? Has it been a while since you laughed? Is your inner critic getting too much air time? Are you overworking or over-scheduled?

Any of these states would benefit from Zinnia flower essence. With its myriad of glorious bright colours, it brings the medicine of laughter and lightheartedness helping to connect our responsible adult with our playful inner child.

It transforms states of boredom into a sense of adventure and curiosity about life. It encourages us to detach from intense emotions so that we can look at our life from a lighter, less serious viewpoint - giving us a fresh perspective. It asks us to be gentle with ourselves, releasing anger and bitterness. Where we're holding rigidity and tension emotionally and physically, it brings relaxation and flexibility, so that we can move forward in a positive way.

Zinnia can be a particularly helpful essence at menopause, for the chronically ill or for elderly people. It uplifts our spirits so that we have a more optimistic outlook on life. It strengthens the qualities of encouragement, self-nurture, gentleness and generosity.

All of this means that Zinnia is an ideal choice if you'd like to get back in touch with joy and be reminded that humour has a very high healing frequency:)

I don't sell single essences but you can order Zinnia on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until July 26. Zinnia is also part of the Spontaneity - Freeing the Inner Child essence blend by Crystal Herbs. This blend is not part of the offer.

Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Zinnia and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.

  • Zinnia - helps release stress. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
  • Angel of Joy When you feel sad, dark, disconnected or afraid, This spray lightens your spirits and brings back a sense of lightness and wonder. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
  • Flower Essence Sets - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Zinnia - as well as a collection of 20 core flower essences. Discount code below.
  • Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.

Reader Offer & Code until July 26

You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.

Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code

Drawn to more than one essence? If Zinnia appeals but so do other essences, you can have your own blend made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB You won't find Bach remedies or Rose essences in the list of options as these are best used only with others in the same range.

Personal Attunements: You can also request Zinnia as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.

NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.

Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers

Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom: July 16/17

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If we're able to embrace the perspective that we planned our own life - the parents we were born to, the relationships we engage in, even the challenges we face - to evolve as a soul we can find solace, acceptance, peace, self-compassion, and even liberation.

The pre-birth plan also helps us to know that we never journey alone. Our soul, guides and angels, as well as countless light beings are always accompanying us, eager to guide us to summits of joy if we simply trust and follow their lead.

In this context, we understand that we can raise our consciousness and vibration to influence our life’s trajectory. We can even shift out of victim consciousness - our biggest impediment to moving forward.

On Tuesday, July 16 (or July 17 UK time), celebrated Between Lives Soul Regression certified hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his wife, Liesel Fricke, a prolific channeler of Light Being energies and wisdom you’ll:

  • Explore the perspective that you created your own pre-birth plans, including your life challenges, and how opening to and embracing this frame of reference can bring more peace, comfort, gratitude, and love into your life 
  • Glimpse your life through the eyes of your soul in a powerful guided meditation where you’ll learn how all your experiences are deeply meaningful and serve as catalysts for the expression of your fundamental nature of Love
  • Discover the Divine Virtues (such as patience, compassion, forgiveness, and self-love) as fruits of your agreement to work through the challenges in your life - and why some souls choose to inhabit Earth in tumultuous times
  • Learn how soul regression (a hypnosis-induced inner journey) and deep immersive meditation can help you connect, communicate, and commune with your soul, angels, guides, loving light beings, and the love that you are
  • Discover the Beings of Light who dwell in Unity Consciousness - and how their wisdom can support you in your soul’s highest goals

This is an opportunity for you to receive fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years - a period Rob refers to as a time of Ascension. 

Click to read more & register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'I had the great experience of a between-life [regression] with Robert Schwartz. It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life. I went back to the death experience of one of my not proud [past] lives and forward into the soul completion of the lessons of that life.' Norm Shealy, MD author of Medical Intuition

Essence support: Explore the essences on the theme of Soul Connection, Expanding Consciousness & the Higher Self by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Walking the Eight & Tibetan Heart Meditation

In this 57 minute video Shamanic Practitioner Sarita Sol talks to astrologer Pam Gregory about two practices - Walking the Eight and the Tibetan Heart Meditation. Both are free, easy to use, and can bring immediate transformation. Key points are:

  • We're all made up of platonic solids which are aspects of sacred geometry

  • The centre of the infinity symbol is a portal for change

  • The infinity symbol represents masculine and feminine energy in perfect balance

  • When you bring this symbol into your energy field you create unity consciousness


  • As you 'walk the eight' - tracing the infinity symbol - you move out of fight/flight and drop out of your head into your body - becoming fully present and aligned to your higher wisdom. You're no longer in ilnear time but in an infinite moment..

  • This tool can be used to answer any question, you can walk to clear and activate your energy centres, to forgive someone or to see something from their perspective, you can walk to meet your parents in their childhood, to balance your masculine and feminine energy, to walk backwards through time to unravel patterns you need to release, you can walk to heal something and to manifest something,

  • The walk can take you out of 3D and it can put you in a theta brainwave state and repattern your energy. You'll receive revelations,

  • There's a special free link under the video to see and heal any blocks to your highest potential.

  • The second practice is a three minute Tibetan Heart meditation which brings balance to your heart. This can help regulate your hormones and your blood pressure among other physical imbalances.

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Earth Star Lightbody essence and Soul Star Lightbody Essence offered by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

World of Wealth - Sort Out Your Finances

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Would you like to master money?

I highly recommend this free 6 part training that accompanies the launch of the Financial Freedom University this July.

This program's been created by multimillionaire Ann Wilson, best-selling author of The Wealth Chef, Ann has been in every possible financial position herself so she speaks from long experience that took her from debt to wealth. She's also lived in many different countries, so is familiar with many different financial infrastructures and tax systems.

She's passionate about empowering people - especially women - around money, as it too often gets in the way of us expressing our highest potential and can cause so much suffering.

My top tip is to sign up early, as each module has so much useful information that it's best to watch each one asap. I've done the modules several times, as I get something different from them each time, because I come to them with new levels of self-awareness and changing circumstances - plus they are always inspiring.

In this 6 part series Ann shows you:

  • how to stay and thrive in the World of Wealth with money working hard for you. 
  • The best ways for you to take action and implement this in your life 
  • how to do it in a way that ensures it actually sticks and transforms your life.
  • a bonus masterclass on how to make empowered decisions

She also reveals the 5 Wealth Killers and how to avoid themThese are the 5 key reasons why most people don't achieve financial freedom and never get to experience the peace of mind, joy and freedom that comes with living with money serving and supporting them, rather than enslaving them.

WOW LIVE TRAINING CONTENTEach Followed by a live Q & A - Starts July 22

Training Part 1 - The Core Elements of Wealth July 24

Training Part 2 The Money Flow of The Wealthy July 26

Training Part 3 - The Wealthy Way July 28

Training Part 4 - Thriving In the Wealthy Way - July 28

Training Part 5 - The 5 Wealth Killers and How to Avoid Them July 31

Training Part 6 - How to Make Empowered Decisions August 2

Once you start the free training there will be links to download a workbook, you can join fellow students in the Facebook Group and there's a spreadsheet to calculate your 'freedom number'.

Tip: If you join after 28 July, start with the replays, as It's best to watch each training in order, since each module builds on the previous one, but if you only have time for one before it comes down, I'd watch Part 2 Money Flow of the Wealthy.

Register for the Free Training

Registration for the Financial Freedom University Opens on July 24 and closes August 4.  It won't open again until next year. There's a payment plan and a 30 day money-back guarantee if you want to take it for a test drive. 

'I find Ann very good at demystifying financial jargon and making it easy to understand. Also you don't need money to benefit from her training. Many people use it to get out of debt as well as allowing what they already have to support them better.' Nikki

'I signed up to FFU feeling overwhelm around my finances. I honestly didn't know where to start but I knew I needed to learn the practical aspects of wealth creation and money management. I'd done a lot of mindset work around limiting beliefs around money but no programme had provided me with the tools and know-how like this one has. Not only that but this place has been so supportive - a wonderful, safe community ' Rebecca Hill

Need essence support? Try Financial Flow - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Grow a Healing Chakra Garden: July 18/19

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Is there an area of your life where you feel stuck and would like to invite new energy in and take old patterns to completion?

Is there something you’ve been meaning to start but have been procrastinating about?

This free online event is with organic farmer and herbalist Jane Hawley Stevens, author of The Celestial Garden 

Entitled Grow a Healing Chakra Garden: How to Synergise Herbal Medicine & the Moon’s Cycles for Personal and Planetary Healing Jane explores how the creation of a chakra garden that synergises the cycles of the Earth and cosmos with the energy centres of the body can help you find clarity - and bring vigour to your health, goals, and projects.

A pioneer in organic farming and herbalist communities for the past 40 years, Jane's the founder of Four Elements Organic Herbals. Her chakra garden was created on a 130-acre certified organic farm in the Wisconsin Baraboo Hills, a forested sanctuary in one of the most ancient rock outcrops in North America.

From there, she teaches others how to live in the supportive embrace of the magnificent matrix of Earth and the Cosmos through herbal remedies that align with the complex needs of our body systems and spirits.


In her online event on Thursday, July 18 (July 19 UK Time), you’ll:

  • Explore how a chakra garden synergises herbs, the moon’s cycles, nature, and planetary influences can be synergised to support healing, transformation, manifestation, and renewal
  • Be guided in a meditation that brings together the Earth and Cosmos to provide answers to an area that you most need guidance on right now
  • Discover how specific herbs relate to your chakras - including their colour, mental and emotional support, and physical efficacy in addressing common ailments
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how the phases of the moon cause all life to expand and contract - and learn a simple technique to guide your monthly activities to success
  • Learn how plants, planets, and your own energy systems can work together to heal you - and help you shift into the higher echelon of Divine timing and the greater flow of your life

Read more and register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'Jane has a wealth of information. The teas are absolutely wonderful. The lavender spray was so relaxing and so soothing.' Amberley Mae Cooper

Need essence help? Explore the Chakra essence range by Spirit of Transformation - this qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Structured Crystalline Water - Energising & Easily Absorbed

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Do you already filter your water but would like to take it to the next level? Water for Health are now offering add-ons which allow you to turn filtered water into structured, revitalised, crystalline water. Produced by Natural Action Technologies they contain flow forms that allow the water to restructure and oxygenate.

The most popular option is the portable bottle in the photo which gives you structured, revitalised water wherever you are. Just place it in a glass, bottle or jug and pour filtered water in the top - and bingo! Highly absorbable, energising, immune-boosting water.

There are also options to add it to a whole house or an under the sink system. It softens water, reduces limescale, and mould and there's an option for reverse osmosis systems too. Structured water products need no maintenance or power so it's one-off cost.

You can watch a video about it here

View structured water products here - Reader Discount Code: just put in NW005 at checkout. It's not valid with other discounts.

Need a water filter? Water for Health also offer water filters starting with a very reasonably priced jug

Read more about filters & order - Reader Discount Code: just put in NW005 at checkout. It's not valid with other discounts.

Shipping is tracked:

UK - Free over 40 GBP

EU - 9.75 GBP

Outside the EU - 25 GBP shipping

Questions? Email or Tel: 01764 662 111 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm UK time. Please mention my name. They're a friendly family-run company based in Scotland.

Products Include:

Browse Water for Health Special Offers - the offers on this link will change

Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences

Recent posts include: feel the feeling but don't become the emotion...., how do I live my life, poor communication is inherited, may your choices reflect your hopes, maybe you aren't needy, your mind is a magnet, communicating your boundaries, don't buy the fairy tales, choose yourself, relationships aren't here to make us happy, the life of a crystal and to work on you is the best thing you can do.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X

Discover the Power of Your Clock Genes: July 23/24

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Research has shown that disrupting your circadian rhythm - the internal clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle over a 24-hour period - can have profound effects on your mental and physical health.

Renowned Ayurvedic physician, author, and educator Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

shares that the timing of everything - from when you eat to when you sleep - plays a crucial role in your overall health.

You’re invited to join us Tuesday, July 23, at 5:30pm Pacific (1.30am UK time), for a 60-minute event during which Dr. Kshirsagar will share how you can enhance your health and elevate your wellbeing by optimising your daily routines through the insights of ancient Ayurveda and the latest advancements in chronobiology.

Dr. Kshirsagar will guide you through a mantra meditation for stress-free living, and share self-care and self-repair techniques that you can start using daily.

Learn how to identify your unique Chrono-Type and Mind-Body Type, and how to use this knowledge to create a personalised daily routine that promotes optimal health. 

Gain an understanding of the importance of the three pillars of health - diet, sleep, and exercise. Misalignment in these areas - especially over the weekend when people tend to eat, drink, and sleep in different ways than they do during the week - can lead to what’s called 'Social Jet Lag.'

Read more and register - This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'As a woman struggling with mid-life weight gain, Dr. Suhas' 'Hot Belly Diet' hits the mark. I had the good fortune of hearing Dr. Suhas speak at a Deepak Chopra workshop.' R.C.

Need essence help? Try Healthy Choices - Release Unhelpful Habits by Spirit of Transformation. This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

EE Systems - Results Update & New Centres

In the 12 minute video above Dr Sandra Rose Michael explains how and why she invented the Energy Enhancement system. She was looking for something that increased lifeforce and light in our cells to allow for the next quantum leap in consciousness. Our ever more toxic environment means we need to amplify the light within us to overcome it. The increasing radiation around us 'unzips' our DNA and breaks its bonds, allowing for damaging changes that cause cancer, accelerate ageing and deprive the brain of oxygen, which reduces memory and intelligence. The effect of the EE system is to repair our DNA, re-oxygenate our cells and reverse ageing, including bone regeneration.

I've now tried EE myself several times using 4 hour sessions and an overnight session. I find it clearly boosts my immune system, elevates my mood, increases my energy and gives me a higher level of mental clarity so that I can tackle challenges with greater serenity. You can read about my past experiences with the EE systems and the scalar-enhanced jewellery in previous newsletters

Update: I recently returned to the Zenrji centre for a 4 hour top up session. Although stressed on arrival, within an hour I felt profoundly relaxed and dropped into a deep sleep. Afterwards I could think much more clearly, concentrate more easily and had more courage, optimism and energy which cut through procrastination. Physically my sinus issues cleared up and I'm making healthier food choices with much greater ease. Energetically I've been much more receptive to healing energy that I've later experienced in workshops, so I've benefited much more from them.

Research: read the latest research here

Testimonials: The Zenrji review page. is full of testimonials. including improvements in breathing issues, migraine, skin challenges, sleep disturbance, vision, joint pain, auto-immune problems and mental clarity. Many people have been able to come off or reduce long-term medication

Reader Discount: To get a 10% discount at the Zenrji EE centre, Bedfordshire,UK, please use the code karmazen10 when you order protective scalar-enhanced jewellery or book a session. If you book over the phone mention Karma Coach for the discount. NB The code can't be used with scalar-enhanced bath salts or other special offers.

New Client Offers: Book one hour and get one hour free for only 40 GBP or book 4 hours for only 80 GBP - reduced from 200 GBP. Call Tina to book on 07791 441 203.

Read more and book a session or order jewellery with Zenrji - the discount code is karmazen10 - not be used with bath salts or special offers.

Jewellery Guide You may like this crystal guide to choose jewellery according to your health goals. You can also sleep in a scalar field at home by putting a medallion at each corner of your bed and one in the centre which creates a grid.

Questions? If your questions regarding EE Systems aren't answered on this webpage (best viewed on a desktop) or on the Zenrji website, please contact Tina and the Zenrji (Zenergy) Team on 07791 441 203 or Email Zenrji

Not in the UK? Find your nearest centre on this location map. It only shows centres affiliated with Jason Shurka's network Unifyd Healing who therefore abide by the agreed maximum hourly rate. UK centres that have recently opened include Yorkshire, Bristol and Fife. New ones overseas include Costa Rica, Mexico, Belgium and Canada and there are many opening in the USA.

Metatronic Healing - Heaven's Gate: One Healing For All - July 17

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Heaven's Gate - Wednesday July 17

The final summer session we're offering has an open theme, whereby you can bring any specific issue or focus.


Metatron sits between Heaven & Earth – “Heaven’s Gate”, here the Metatronic Healing energies of light will work directly with you, bringing healing, transformation and support.

If you can’t decide or don’t have an apparent focus, you can simply receive the healing benefits of Metatron’s Light directly.

Read more and book

Need essence help? Try Metatron's Blend by Crystal Herbs from their Sacred Geometry range to awaken you to your full potential. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Free Tarot Card Reading

Choose the kind of reading you want and the deck you'd prefer. then click for your reading.

Enjoy Your Free Card Reading

12 Pillars of Breathwork July 23/24

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We're born with the innate abilities to breathe and love deeply - yet, over time, many of us learn to suppress these natural tendencies. 

Co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance Jessica Dibb shares that what’s so beautiful about breathwork is that it connects you intimately with the present moment. By focusing on your breath, you can open up channels of healing within that may have been blocked by fears, past traumas, or ego-driven narratives.


You’re invited to join us Tuesday, July 23, at 5:30pm Pacific (July 24 UK Time), for a 60-minute event during which Jessica will share how you can develop a deeper connection with love and the spiritual dimensions of yourself through your breath.

She’ll guide you on a breath journey to experience giving and receiving different parts of yourself through your breath. 

You’ll also focus on giving and receiving between your beloved and yourself, your community and yourself, and all of life and yourself - imbuing you with enhanced self-awareness, and a strengthened sense of connection with the larger world by deepening and expanding your capacity for love

Breathwork gives you direct access to Spirit. It’ll always be with you and doesn’t cost anything, so you can do it anytime. 

Jessica says that - while we normally think of breath as just inhaling and exhaling - you can “receive” breath, too, which is a way to practice accepting non-egoic, authentic love.

In fact, every breath we take embodies a dual action: receiving and giving. This natural rhythm is a metaphor for the balance of life - each inhale invites in the world, and each exhale extends ourselves back into it.

The deeper we experience the receiving aspect of breathing - the part many find most challenging - the more we cultivate our ability to accept love and compassion from others and ourselves.

Not only does breathwork give you a lived experience of being loved, but knowing how to receive breath will help you know how to constantly nourish and refill your own reservoirs of self-love.

During this illuminating hour, discover how every breath you take can be a step toward a more whole and authentic you, reshaping your communication patterns and helping you love and accept yourself and others unconditionally.

Click to read more and register - This is at 2.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'Jessica is a brilliant communicator and an excellent teacher.' Helen Palmer author of The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and Others in Your Life

Need essence help? Try Angel of Love Spray by Crystal Herbs to transform anything that feels unloved or unlovable in yourself and others. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Mid July Astrology

An Interview with Hope Fitzgerald - author of The Infinity Wave

In this 50 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory gives an update on what to expect for the second half of July:

  • We may feel restless and agitated - an urgent need to break out of our routine and do something very different

  • Over the long term centralisation is moving to decentralisation. The EU may break up over the next two years and at that point so will the Euro.

  • There will likely be a change in the government of China

  • The political structure of the USA will change in the longer-term


  • In the short term, in the next few months, there will be attempts at greater centralisation even though that is against the overall flow of energy

  • We're all being asked to develop our own inner authority.

  • This is a good time to have a creative focus, as you'll experience strong will power to bring something to fruition

  • We'll all be healing a pattern of victimhood and a feeling of not being seen or heard

  • We'll have greater access to inspiration, channeled downloads and original ways of doing things

  • Water is the medium that carries light. It's the light that carries the codes and information we need in order to evolve. Water is how we're connected to all things.

  • Singing and dancing raises our frequency which helps bring in a more joyful future

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Capricorn -Saturn essence by Spirit of Transformation. This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

The Illumination Code July 25 - Free Talk

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From hunches and gut feelings to telepathy, remote viewing and precognition, there's a science to our intuitive experiences. It's known as quantum intelligence, and you'll explore many facets and possibilities in this free livestream talk.

Drawing on the latest findings in quantum physics, intuition expert and author Kim Chestney presents a multidimensional model of consciousness which accounts for the whole spectrum of intuitive experience, from everyday gut feelings to advanced psychic mediumship.


In this talk, weill be exploring the science behind topics such as the Akashic Records, remote viewing, precognition and inner guidance to map the field of quantum intelligence. This knowledge opens a door to your own potential for greater awareness, creativity, problem-solving and foresight.

Book now to join us for a fascinating exploration of our intuitive gifts through a scientific lens.

Click to read more and register - You'll get a recording following the talk

'Disrupting traditional conceptions about the way we thik, create and eveolve, Kim Chestney's takes us deep into the mysteries of consciousness itself - where we discover what it really means to be human' Chip Walter, author of Immortality Inc

Need essence help? Explore essences for Intuition & Inner Knowing by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Seeing Spirit: Clairvoyance July 27

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Clairvoyance - 'clear seeing' - is a fundamental psychic ability that allows us to receive information from the non-physical plane in our mind's eye. Discover your own clairvoyant abilities in this online workshop.

Psychic medium Hernan Cotroneo will take you on an exploration of your unique clairvoyant skills. You'll expand your clairvoyance to see shapes and images from Spirit. You'll also practice identifying literal and symbolic messages in your psychic and mediumistic readings.

During this workshop, you'll learn:

  • How to expand clairvoyance working energetically with the brow chakra
  • The importance of colour in clairvoyant information
  • How to integrate clairsentience, the 'clear feeling', to interpret visual messages more accurately
  • How to recognise and decode symbolic clairvoyant information

Click for more details & book

'Hernan is a great teacher. His passion for the subject is palpable.'

'Hernan gave us some great tools that we can take forward and use to deepen our understanding of symbols and images.'

Need essence help? Try Inner Child - Vision - by Crystal Herbs helps to develop clairvoyance and other psychic giftsUse the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Organic Essential OIls & Skincare Offers - up to 75% Off Clearance

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Frankincense Intense Hydrating Essence - Up to 15% Off

Visibly smooth, condition and refine with a luxurious veil of hydration to enhance your beauty routine. With a moisture-boosting blend of hyaluronic acid, purified pomegranate extract and organic argan oil, over time skin looks healthier, brighter and more refined.

Shop 15% Off Frankincense Intense Hydrating Essence

'I've been using this hydrating essence for 6 weeks and so far two people have commented on how good my skin looks' Nikki

15% Off Sweet Marjoram Organic Essential Oil

Feeling unsupported? Worried? Sweet Marjoram oil is ideal for bringing comfort and contentment when you're feeling alone with your anxieties. 

Energetically it feeds spleen energy which is linked to the element of Earth - the foundation that supports the rest of our system. If this is depleted - which is common if you over-give to others, for example, and are in need of more self-care - it has a knock-on effect on your overall wellbeing and vitality, so you feel tired and irritable. 

Mentally and emotionally Sweet Marjoram calms the mind and increases your capacity for self soothing and self nurture bringing strength and self compassion. 

You can add Sweet Marjoram to your diffuser or you'll also find it in the Women's Balance Essential Oil Blend with Rose and Geranium. Together they help to harmonise any imbalances during menstruation and menopause, both emotionally and physically. As they take the edge off your emotions, you'll find inner clarity and poise.

Shop 15% Off Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil

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Heritage Offer: Currently there's a trio of your favourite items at a discount as well as savings on a collection that includes sleep lotion, lip balm and eye gel. Shop Heritage Offer

Skincare Offers

Save up to 30% with these skincare offers that allow you to buy a collection of the most popular products or to select the ones you prefer and get a free toner.

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Clearance - up to 75% Off

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Spend over 50 GBP and you get free UK shipping

Shop All Current Offers - this link will have new offers added in the coming weeks

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Making light of it
cat-and-dog-asleep image

'A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book'. Irish proverb

Try Inner Child - Delight essence - Transform Despondency & an Over-Serious Nature by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

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Even a small amount helps me help you.

With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.

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Some offers and links are in affiliation with Crystal Herbs, Neal's Yard, Sounds True, the Shift Network, Earthing Revolution, Water for Health, Aquan, Amazon and Zenrji.uk

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