Karma Coach Newsletter | Mid August 2024

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Often when we talk about scarcity and abundance we relate it to money but the laws of abundance apply equally to love.

If we believe money is scarce or people don't value our time and skill so we struggle to charge enough, then we'll hoard what we have - long past a date when it's still useful - which blocks the flow

The same is true of love. If we think people don't find us loveable or that love is scarce, then we'll hang on to those closest to us and look only to them for an exchange of affection. This sets us up to feel anxious or resentful when they're less attentive or they aren't appreciative of our love.

The same misunderstanding is true in both scenarios. Whether it's love or money we're taught to look outside ourselves for the source when it actually lies within us. Scarcity will shift when you're able to value yourself and love yourself as the unique and amazing being that you are. If you live your life from the perspective of that higher frequency you'll make new choices and respond differently to the people and circumstances around you. Situations or people who don't resonate to that higher frequency will naturally drop away, allowing for new experiences to arise in which you're richer in both love and money.

This issue there's a flower essence to help you release self judgement and to trust in the flow of love and spiritual connection. There's also a fascinating video about Family Constellations, how it's helped people release family stories of scarcity and how these stories can manifest as illness. There's an opportunity for you to participate in constellations online and in person, as well as to request a bespoke online event for your issue. There's a course by trauma expert Peter Levine on releasing chronic pain, a chance to release trapped emotion using QiGong sounds and movement and a very positive message from angelic channel Anne Tucker on how to prepare for and navigate the imminent planetary shift.

Water expert Veda Austin reveals some of the latest amazing discoveries from her water research and there's a free workshop led by a medical herbalist on how to use trees and plants for healing.

Finally there's a free workshop on using your breath intentionally to create emotional release, one to help you perceive subtle energies and an introduction to crystals.

If you feel you gain value from this newsletter please donate to keep it going. Thank you so much to all of you who do:)

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS Gmail addresses: Gmail addresses may cut this newsletter off before the end. Please click 'view entire message' at the bottom to see it all.

To opt into this mailing list and claim your free soul flower reading please use the orange Join My Mailing List button at the bottom of the newsletter.

Jumpstart Your Day With Joy - Breathflow: August 22/23

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Imagine starting your days feeling emotionally vibrant and full of energy, liberated from the weight of unresolved trauma and challenges, with a clear and focused mind.

Wouldn’t that be transformative?

Join us on Thursday, August 22 (or August 23 UK time) to learn how you can create a foundation of emotional resilience with Breathflow, R. Christian Minson’s unique breathwork approach. It helps you navigate the chaos of modern life with more harmony and peace as you connect to your purpose and power.

Christian will guide you through his Breathflow Integrative Breathing process, the 5-Minute Joy Jumpstart, to empower you to start each day feeling relaxed, present, more joyful, and less reactive in the moment. You may even feel physical sensations like tingling as you cultivate greater awareness of your physical being, 

When you practice it regularly, you’ll gently integrate your unexpressed emotions and energy, while increasing the awareness of how your breath is flowing (or not flowing).

Central to Christian’s transformative approach is that every breath you take can be intentional. This perspective can help you navigate and heal trauma, and move from pain to a life filled with beauty, even amidst chaos. 

Christian is a highly regarded breathwork facilitator, trainer, and founder of Breathflow Wellness International. He has over 17 years of experience in the field, including more than a decade spent as a monk in a yogic monastery.

Read more and register -- This is at 1.30am UK time but if you register, you'll get a recording you can watch later.

'My body and spirit feel lighter, my “head noise” is almost silent. I am beyond grateful. This is true healing.' Val R.

'I feel really good, peaceful, and feel like I'm no longer carrying a huge suitcase on my back. Family, friends, and co-workers saw the difference.' Anis Galvan

Need essence help? Try Angel of Peace essence by Crystal Herbs for less inner conflict, more acceptance and serenity. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Want to advertise in this newsletter? Click here for a mailing with advertising & marketing tips

From Grumpy & Let Down to Loving & Psychically Gifted - Reader Offers

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Are you finding it hard to connect to your spirit or your higher self? Are you easily annoyed? Are you aware of not taking necessary steps because you don't trust either yourself, others or the universe to follow through and support your goals? Are you withholding your affection? Do you feel unloved and disappointed? Do you feel physically or mentally rigid? Do you judge yourself and others with a demanding level of perfection? Do you feel everybody else seems to be doing better than you in some way?

If any of the above is true, Rosa Webbiana holds the key to deep and needed change.

This beautiful wild rose originated in the Himalayas and was used in Atlantis to expand our consciousness and enhance our psychic abilities.

The most obvious result when you take it or receive it - if you're a sensitive person - is to feel how it realigns you with the Earth, especially through your arms, feet and knees. As it also clears the connection between your heart, throat and brow chakra you'll notice a much clearer understanding of your life purpose and the lessons to be learned from your current situation.

As your heart chakra clears you'll feel your emotions much more deeply and be able to express them. You'll be filled with compassion for yourself and others, you'll be able to see the truth of who you are and connect to the light in others too, allowing judgement and unforgiveness to fall away, for empathy to arise and for your heart to fill with warmth and love for all.

Past patterns and memories - including those from past lives - will arise in your awareness to be released, so be ready for flashbacks or vivid dreams. The renewed connection to the Earth will help you channel spiritual wisdom with ease and to safely travel between dimensions. You'll likely feel an increased desire to share and be of service to others.

I don't sell single essences but you can order Rosa Webbiana on its own from Crystal Herbs, using the discount code below until August 30. Rosa Webbiana is also part of the Angelic Support - Crossing Dimensions essence blend and Feet Chakras by Spirit of Transformation. These blends aren't part of the offer.

Reader offer: This issue I've negotiated 20% off for readers on Rosa Webbiana and other essences and sprays from Crystal Herbs below, which felt particularly helpful at this time.

  • Rosa Webbiana - helps to deepen meditation and enrich inner journeys. It can be used alongside the spray below or Bach remedies, Use 20 mins apart.
  • Archangel Michael's sword of truth cuts away cords and ties that are holding you back and offer strength, courage and protection. Spray into a car, office or living space as well as your own energy field.
  • Rose Essence Collections - If you enjoy working with essences or if you want a set to use for muscle testing, Crystal Herbs have a self-select set of ten available in 10ml and 25 ml sizes - which could include Rosa Webbiana - as well as a complete collection of 20 rose essences. Discount code below.
  • Revival Remedy - this is the multi-purpose Bach remedy blend for stress or anxiety. Take it as often as you need until you feel calm. It can be used alongside the essences above - take it 20 mins apart from the sprays or blends above.

Reader Offer & Code until August 30

You get 20% off each off the above sprays and essences by using this code at checkout: karmacoach20 (not case-sensitive). You can add non-discounted items to your basket.

Browse all the above reader offers with the discount code

Drawn to more than one essence? If Rosa Webbiana appeals but so do other Rose essences, you can have your own Rose blend made up by Crystal Herbs here. Use karmacoach10 for an extra discount. NB Rose essences are best used only with others in the same range.

Personal Attunements: You can also request Rosa Webbiana as part of a personal attunement, if you feel very drawn to it, just email as part of your order and let me know.

NB you can only use one code at a time, so if you want to use the 20% reader offer code above as well as the general discount code for essences that are not part of this offer, you'll need to put them through as separate orders.

Browse Crystal Herbs current special offers

Body as Healer: Freedom From Chronic Pain

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Join master somatic therapist Peter Levine, PhD author of Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma & Trauma-Proofing Your Kids as he helps you alleviate pain and transform your quality of life. 

Whether you’re experiencing headaches, IBS, fibromyalgia, or other forms of chronic pain, these exercises offer a proven, revolutionary path to healing.

When you’re living with chronic pain, your experience might feel like red hot lava radiating through your body. And when you seek help from a medical professional, they don’t believe you or point you in a direction where you’ve found no relief.

Modern medicine does not fully understand chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, IBS, or migraines and the conditions that often accompany them. But we want you to know that these symptoms, as challenging as they are, do not have to ruin your life; they do not have to be a life sentence.

Peter Levine, the father of body-based healing and developer of Somatic Experiencing®, offers a groundbreaking path to relief in his new program Body as Healer: Freedom from Chronic Pain.

In it, he shares his life's work based on decades of successful practice to help you:

  • Release the fear, frustration, and depression intensified by prior traumas
  • Build inner resilience and self-regulation
  • Bring you back to your authentic self - and finally achieve freedom from pain

Click to read more & enrol

'I've tried everything I could find - different forms of talk therapy, medications and more. This solved problems I'd been fighting for decades in two weeks.' A. D.

Essence support: Try Strength & Wellbeing - Restoring Wellbeing essence by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Enhance Your Ability to Perceive Energy - August 24

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Would you like to gain deeper insights on the core energies of your health, relationships, career, or life path?

Learning Tyler Odysseus’ practical process for seeing and perceiving energy may be able to help you. A senior Quantum-Touch instructor, Tyler began seeing energy as a child but temporarily lost this ability as he entered school and became conditioned to live in the “real world.”

He later retrained himself to see energy through a series of practices that overcome subconscious programming and essentially train the Third Eye to see what the physical eyes cannot

During this free online event with Tyler on Saturday, August 24, Enhance Your Ability to Perceive Energy, he’ll share some of his most potent techniques for seeing energy, including a guided visualization to communicate and attune to the energy of flowers and perceive their experience of life.

This practice can have a massive impact on your capacity for compassion, peace, and love as you understand through their energy field what life is actually like for another living being.

In this insightful online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how seeing energy is an inroads to deepening your spirituality and creativity as you learn to see and receive intuitive information
  • Be guided in a visualisation to attune and communicate with the energy of flowers
  • Begin to create new programs around your ability to see and perceive energy
  • Learn how seeing energy can reveal the true energy of your relationships, health, and more - and empower your decisions
  • Explore how energy perception can deepen your connection to others and the natural world, instilling a felt sense of joy and presence that radiates outward

Learning how to see energy not only makes life more interesting and fun through an enriched experience of colour, energy, and connection but deepens your spirituality as you open to a more compassionate understanding of your own energy and how others might be experiencing life, which is often very different from how they portray themselves - or what your own judgments may be distorting. 

Click to read more & register - You'll get a recording if you register.

''Far better than chiropractic, physical therapy, or medication, Quantum-Touch has completely relieved my chronic back pain. Quantum-Touch is a valuable asset to nurses who want to take a step forward in their careers and work on a much higher level. This should be studied in every nursing school across the country. Quantum-Touch is what is needed to transform the limited way nursing is currently practiced.' Lauralyn C. McCurry, RNC

'Tyler has greatly improved my technique. He saw how I was moving the energy and guided me to adjust the length and timing of my breath and where I placed my awareness to ensure that I was bringing in maximum energy. His intuitive abilities and what he sees in his students goes far beyond the ability to see energy. I've found his guidance priceless.' Gwen

Need essence support? Explore Intuition & Inner Knowing essences by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

It Didn't Start With You

In this 30 minute video Mark Wolynn Director of the Family Constellation centre in San Francisco, author of It Didn't Start With You and an expert in inherited family trauma talks about how he healed himself from going blind. Key points are:

  • Mark's own healing journey to find out the cause of his retinopathy

  • How you can tell if you have inherited family trauma

  • Common emotional triggers and physical symptoms of trauma

  • How trauma affects your genes

  • How you can find the healing sentences that help to heal

  • How you can identify your personal triggers and the inherited beliefs you carry.

  • A clear example of how inherited family trauma can cause self-harm or a feeling we don't deserve happiness, prosperity or even life itself

  • Why some trauma is passed on and some not

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Healing Family - Resolving Family Issues Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Family Constellations - Scotland & Online

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From Stuck to Flow - August 24, Inverness, Scotland

As many of you know, especially my lovely coaching clients, i'm a keen advocate of Family Constellations. They can be used to diagnose and resolve a huge number of issues in a relatively short time, so I love their efficient use of time and money. It's also the only therapy I've used where I've seen an impact not just on the person who's doing the constellation but also on their family members who aren't present or even aware of the constellation occurring,

Over many years I've seen constellations work on:

  • addiction
  • self-sabotage
  • estranged or difficult relationships
  • limiting beliefs about how powerful, creative, happy, sexually fulfilled, wealthy, successful or healthy you're 'allowed' to be, while still being loyal to your family lineage

In my experience constellation outcomes depend both on your readiness to see things differently and on the training and background of the facilitator. One of my favourite, very experienced, facilitators is Liz Sleeper who's running a workshop on August 24 in Dingwall, half an hour from Inverness and 40 minutes from Inverness airport.

Read more and book

'I came because my daughter had issues. I sorted things out with how I am with her in the constellation - and now she is thriving. I recommend Liz to everyone.' D, Peacehaven

Constellation Opportunities Online

Liz also runs constellations online and, whilst my preference would always be in person, as so much can be conveyed by a touch or a hug, you can get a lot from a well-run online session if you're ready and open to change.

Next Online Dates

The advantage of online sessions is also that Liz is happy to set up a bespoke session for you that can hopefully accommodate your time zone. Just Email Liz for a Bespoke Session

'I thank you deeply for the transformational process today...already I see a shift in my relationship with my partner and family',  workshop participant

Read a Karma Coach article about Constellations

Need essence help? Try Healing Family - Resolving Family Issues by Crystal Herbs to awaken you to dissolve unresolved family issuesl. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Drug-Free Relief From Discomfort

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'The grounding patches are a great way of targeting pain. I've used them for toothache and a painful knee, which allowed me to get a good night's sleep without painkillers Jen was very helpful in telling me where to place them - on acupuncture points - to get the most benefit. The fact that the plug has two holes means that I can plug in the grounding mat and the patch in the same socket.' Nikki

You can download this guide to earthing to find out more

Read Reviews of Earthing Revolution Products - including relief from knee and neck pain, aching from old injuries and sleep disturbance. Discount code is karmacoach.

Clint Oben, the author of Earthing made his first generation earthing products using silver thread woven into things such as fitted bed sheets and mats because silver conducts electricity but over time our natural body oils cause the silver to oxidise so he's since created carbon-infused mats that are effective far longer. Earthing Revolution are his exclusive distributors in the UK.

Watch Clint's Video about Earthing with some fascinating healing stories

These second generation products include:

These are all ways you can earth yourself in your indoor environment, releasing the static electricity build up and replenishing healthy electrons.

Read more and browse earthing products - use the code karmacoach at checkout for your discount - this won't work with any current discounts. Please call Jen for advice if you need to know what's best for your issue. She's super helpful and is in contact with Clint himself for any questions: +44 (0)20 8037 7792

Watch Jen's Product Videos and hear her story on their youtube channel

'I've purchased several earthing products from this great company. I find the patches amazing when I need to target specific areas of pain and they always heal my injury so quickly. I suffer from sciatica occasionally and the strap works wonders on my ankle and I use two for my upper leg pain

I sleep most nights with the universal mat at my feet or use the smaller one during the day when sitting. They're so versatile. 

My recent purchase was the blanket. So cosy to snuggle up and at the same time allowing those grounding energies to work their healing powers. I'm planning to purchase the yoga mat next. 

I love this company and Jen is just the best. She is a wealth of knowledge and always quick to respond to any questions you may have. Added bonus is the super quick delivery. 

Don’t hesitate to use this fabulous company.' Michele

Need essence help? Try Feet Chakra essence by Crystal Herbs to fully open to the Earth. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Join the Karma Connection - Share Experiences

Recent posts include: do not abandon yourself, every minute you spend, summer and the fire element, what guilt has to say, how to show someone you cannot be manipulated, wholeness is the goal, anger is the part that loves you the most, you do not belong to you, herbs for higher consciousness, growing up with a parent who can regulate their nervous system, stop trying to solve your feelings in your head, your portal to every next level and the key to changing old behaviour.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on social media) please sign up to the newsletter first or use the orange 'Join Our Community Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Folow me on :Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X

QiGong Sounds for Emotional Relief - August 27/28

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Emotions are powerful energies that can impact every aspect of your life - from feeling stress at work to overreacting in your relationships.

That’s why emotional healing is a crucial aspect of your overall health and wellbeing. Too often, we try to 'fix' our emotions - with more emotions.

By addressing and releasing emotional blockages at a deep, energetic, vibratory level, you can experience profound healing and improvements in your physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual connection.

In a powerful hour-long event with Master Mingtong Gu on Tuesday, August 27 (or August 28 UK time), you’ll learn how to use your voice and Qigong movements to release emotional blockages and cultivate inner harmony.

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Become aware of your emotional patterns, discovering how they affect every aspect of your life, including your health
  • Feel the power of energy and understand how its vibration can change your patterns over time
  • Gain a sense of hope,regardless of your struggles, challenges, or diagnoses, and learn the next steps to work with your emotional energy for holistic wellbeing
  • Participate in a sound healing meditation to open your heart energetically, enhancing your awareness of emotions, feelings, and your capacity for love, joy, and inner peace

When you learn to work with emotions as transmutable energy rather than avoiding or suppressing them, you open the door to personal transformation that can even lead to the collective healing of humanity.

Master Mingtong will share with you how to identify and resolve ingrained emotional patterns that may be negatively impacting your life. 

He’ll also lead you through a sound-healing meditation designed to open your heart, which will help you become more aware of your capacity for love, joy, and inner peace - a simple tool you can use anytime to uncover and transform your emotional patterns and enhance your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

Click to read more & registerr - this is at 1.30am UK time. You'll get a recording if you register.

'For 20 years, I struggled with chronic Lyme disease. At the grand age of 60, I discovered Wisdom Healing Qigong! I began transforming, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Physically, I have tons more energy. No more utter exhaustion or pain. Emotionally, I feel more balanced, less reactive, and much happier. This technology is the quickest way I’ve found to experience the Source, the One energy that is expressed in all creation. It takes me home.' Vivienne Verdon-Roe

Academy Award-winning director of the documentary Women - for America, for the World

Need essence support? Explore Meditation, Stilling the Mind & Going Within essences by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Harness the Healing Power of Trees & Plants - August 20/21

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Plant-based herbal products are well known as remedies to treat diseases and help maintain our health. Most people think of herbs, plants, and flowers when they seek out herbal remedies.

But what about trees?

Medical herbalist Chanchal Cabrera shares that trees are remarkable healers.

One reason why is their ability to synthesise a vast array of bioactive compounds, producing substances like tannins, flavonoids, and essential oils that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, capable of addressing a multitude of health conditions and issues.


You’re invited to join us Tuesday, August 20, at 5:30pm Pacific (or August 21 UK time), for a 60-minute event during which Chanchal will share with you how you can harness the healing potential of trees by making and using a simple, safe, and effective tree-based remedy that you can use daily.

Learn safe techniques for infusing evergreen tops to produce oils, honeys, and liqueurs. From setting up maceration to straining and labeling the finished products, you’ll discover effective plant extraction methods essential for herbal remedy preparation.

With over 35 years of clinical experience, Chancal dedicates her career to helping people enhance their wellbeing through natural remedies. Her expertise guides individuals in utilizing herbs, flowers, roots, and trees to support immune function, emotional balance, and overall vitality.

You’ll witness how to prepare a simple, safe, and effective tree-based remedy, and gain insights into the reasons behind each important step, empowering you to recreate this process in your own kitchen.

By the end of this event, you’ll have crafted and experienced firsthand a tree-based remedy, equipping you with the knowledge and inspiration to integrate nature’s medicine into your daily life.

Click to read more & register - this is at 1.30am UK time. You'll get a recording if you register.

'Chanchal Cabrera's work provides a sense of empowerment by providing the reader with practical advice and knowledge on food compounds, supplements, recipes, simple food guidelines, and strategies for optimal success.'

BA, ND & IFMCP at Anthrobotanica, and creator of the Vitamorphic Method

Need essence support? Try Almond Tree essence by Crystal Herbs which helps to release fear, especially fear of ageing, and gives us the courage to take a step forward into a new future and liberating us from old patterining. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount. 

Physical Healing Will Happen

In the video above angelic channel Anne Tucker brings through a message about the invitation to shift frequencies and how we'll experience it in our physical bodies.

She's recently channeled a message about a blast of light that will come onto the planet over a three day period that's so strong everyone will notice it. In an interview with astrologer Pam Gregory featured in the last newsletter, Pam said this is likely to happen between now and February 2025.

We'll have free will to decide if and when we want to move into the new frequency and there's no race to do so but when we do, we're likely to notice:

  • A need for deep rest
  • We need to allow the changes to happen - any attempt at 'efforting' or trying to control the process will have this the opposite effect - this is a lesson in trust and our ability to receive
  • Our body is likely to feel very heavy while we integrate the new higher frequencies. You may also notice tremoring or shaking as it releases trauma and past patterning.
  • We're moving out of a karma based existence so we'll no longer need to create suffering in order to learn lessons
  • As our bodily cells renew they'll be replaced by healthy cells, so we'll experience a return to full health at varying speeds, depending which parts of your body are affected.
  • It's helpful to keep clearing as much as you can now so that you can move more easily when the opportunity to shift occurs

Watch Video

Metatronic Healing - Ancestral Clearing: The Paternal Line - Sept 18

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Ancestral Clearing: The Paternal LIne - Wed Sept 18

This is the first of a 2 part healing, one for the woundings held in the Paternal Line of your family and one for the wounding held in the Maternal line. It can be taken as part of the whole or each as a stand alone session.

Those traumatic experiences of the Male line in the past, if not processed or healed at the time, but rather supressed or arced over, are passed on through the Paternal Line. This Karmic wound sits deep in the system pulling us out of our true nature and into recreating or continuing the cycle until someone steps up to begin the healing.

Because of where Metatron is in Divine Reality, in this session it is possible to soften or in some cases release a whole structure of Karmic wounding held in the Paternal (father’s) line, thus not only freeing this wound or conditioning in those in the past but those in the present and future too.

This is a rare and unique opportunity to be touched and have your Paternal line touched by the healing power of this awesome Divine Intelligence that we know as Metatron.

Read more and book

Need essence help? Try Metatron's Blend by Crystal Herbs from their Sacred Geometry range to awaken you to your full potential. Use the code karmacoach10 for your discount.

Free Oracle Card Reading

Choose five cards.then one for each area of your life - then click for your reading.

Enjoy Your Free Card Reading


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In case you feel like letting your hair down.....

Festivals in the UK & Overseas - and the five reasons why going solo is a great idea

The Monastery, Manchester - explore events such as mindful crochet, silent meditation a flower essence workshop, sound healing and and day with the angels

Gaunts House - Dorset, Heart Festival Aug 23-26. A family-friendly festival with yoga and sacred music 

Browse Global Retreats for Solo Travellers 

Norfolk Festivals - everything from agricultural shows, to circuses and house music

The Eden Project  - Cornwall, have an immersive Rainforest experience, have supper in the mediterranean biome or fly over it on a zippi wire

Scottish Music Festivals - Enjoy folk music, dancing and Scottish bands in the Highlands and Islands

Festivals in Ireland - include storytelling, theatre, food, arts, music and even a matchmaking event that's grown to be Europe's largest singles festival

Broughton Sanctuary - Yorkshire, offers retreats including The Path of Love, The Hoffman Process and events with Lynne Mctaggart and Ruby Wax. There are also wellbeing activities such as wild swimming, sound healing, yoga and pilates

Festivals Across Europe - select from the 45 countries and browse the events

Top Festivals Round the World - if you enjoy travelling, this is for you

Need essence help? Try the Angel of Joy essence by Crystal Herbs to dispel low spirits and bring the vibration of happiness into your life. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

The Living Language of Water

An Interview with Hope Fitzgerald - author of The Infinity Wave

In this 57 minute video Astrologer Pam Gregory interviews water researcher Veda Austin and the information in her new book The Living Language of Water

  • Water captures and reflects not only an image but also the potential of what it's exposed to

  • The extraordinary nature of the octopus

  • The reaction of water to harmful EMFs - electromagnetic fields

  • Distilled water is 'the observer'; and spring water, which has salts and minerals, is more actively engaged and creative

  • The electrical charge in our cells is what allows us to share information with each other through our energy field. It's the salts and minerals that give our cells an electrical charge.


  • Water never dies, it can be re-energised and resurrected.

  • We're 99% water which is why we're happiest when we feel 'in flow' - it's our natural healthy state to be moving, changing, connecting and creating.

  • The ancient land masses of Lemuria will be re-emerging from the oceans, some of which lie between New Zealand and Australia

  • Veda's next book will be looking into the codes that she's found in water

  • Veda feels thar the Akashic records are held in water. Water also exists in the air we breathe.

  • Crop circles show very interesting 'hydroglyphs' in water

  • The key role of seeds

  • Flowing water creates an electrical charge. Crop circles and pyramids are usually created or constructed above water.

Watch Video

Need essence help? Try Confidence & Trust - Hold Firm Amid Doubt essence by Spirit of Transformation. This qualifies for a free gift for UK readers while stocks last.

Structured Crystalline Water - Energising & Easily Absorbed

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Do you already filter your water but would like to take it to the next level? Water for Health are now offering add-ons which allow you to turn filtered water into structured, revitalised, crystalline water. Produced by Natural Action Technologies they contain flow forms that allow the water to restructure and oxygenate.

The most popular option is the portable bottle in the photo which gives you structured, revitalised water wherever you are. Just place it in a glass, bottle or jug and pour filtered water in the top - and bingo! Highly absorbable, energising, immune-boosting water.

There are also options to add it to a whole house or an under the sink system. It softens water, reduces limescale, and mould and there's an option for reverse osmosis systems too. Structured water products need no maintenance or power so it's one-off cost.

You can watch a video about it here

View structured water products here - Reader Discount Code: just put in NW005 at checkout. It's not valid with other discounts.

Need a water filter? Water for Health also offer water filters starting with a very reasonably priced jug

Read more about filters & order - Reader Discount Code: just put in NW005 at checkout. It's not valid with other discounts.

Shipping is tracked:

UK - Free over 40 GBP

EU - 9.75 GBP

Outside the EU - 25 GBP shipping

Questions? Email or Tel: 01764 662 111 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm UK time. Please mention my name. They're a friendly family-run company based in Scotland.

Products Include:

Browse Water for Health Special Offers - the offers on this link will change

An Introduction to Crystals - Sept 3

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Many of us feel a connection to crystals but we don't know why. In this practical and engaging 6-week livestream course, those reasons will become clear.

As a crystal tutor at the College of Psychic Studies Gemma Petherbridge has 20 years of experience working with crystals & has written three books on the subject. In this Introduction to Crystals course, she'll teach you all the foundational information you need to first choose your ideal crystal and then understand where to display it and how to work with it to maximise its impact.

By the end of this online course, you'll know:

  • The science behind crystal healing and why crystals are good for us
  • The ways to pick a crystal and how to make sure your choice is perfect for you
  • The meanings of the different colours and shapes of a crystal
  • How and why to programme, cleanse and charge a crystal
  • Where to display your crystals
  • How to make crystal elixirs and crystal grids
  • The concepts of crystal healing, with direct experience

With Gemma's support, you'll be able to progress your crystal knowledge exponentially in the short space of six weeks in this online course. Therefore, this workshop is perfect for beginners as well as those with more advanced crystal knowledge who want to progress even further.

Click for more details & book

'What an amazing course! Really interesting material and Gemma definitely goes above and beyond to ensure everyone on the course goes away with all the information they need. Time flew by!'

Need essence help? Explore Crystal Essence Sets by Crystal Herbs - select your own to make up your set or order the core rangeUse the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Organic Skincare Offers - Spotlight on Oils - up to 75% Off Clearance

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Clary Sage Organic Essential Oil

Anxious? Confused? Indecisive? When your moods change more often than the British weather, that restlessness can block your connection to your intuitive guidance. This is when Clary Sage essential oil comes into its own. 

It strengthens and, at the same time, relaxes the mind and body. Its steady, reassuring fragrance brings back inspiration. Energetically it strengthens stomach Qi which is great for your Earth element (important for empaths) and helps anxiety, headaches and PMT.

Sniff it on a tissue, put it on a hanky inside your pillow or put a few drops into a diffuser..

Clary Sage is also in Neal's Yard's Travel Remedies to Roll to keep you calm, energised and focused when you're on the move.

Explore handy roll on blends for every occasion.

Shop the offer on Clary Sage Essential Oil

Shop all essential oils

Heritage Offer: Currently there's a trio of your favourite items at a discount as well as savings on a collection that includes sleep lotion, lip balm and eye gel.

Shop Heritage Offer

Get a Free Toner and up to 30% off a treat product

Spend 47 GBP or more on your favourite cleanser and moisturiser and you'll get a free toner and up to 30% off a treat product.

Shop Free Toner Offer

Clearance - up to 75% Off

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Spend over 50 GBP and you get free UK shipping

Shop All Current Offers - this link will have new offers added in the coming weeks

Browse Neal's Yard 2024 Catalogue

Delivery to UK & Ireland only

Making light of it
decisions-woman image

'Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.' Florence Scovel Shinn, in The Game of Life and How to Play It,

Try Inner child Decisiveness essence - Intuition: Lacking Trust in Your Own judgement by Crystal Herbs. Use the code karmacoach10 for a discount.

Investing in Growth

I hope you've found value in the information shared here. If you feel moved to support my continued endeavours, you can donate here.

Even a small amount helps me help you.

With heartfelt thanks from me, my guides and Gaia.

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Some offers and links are in affiliation with Crystal Herbs, Neal's Yard, Sounds True, the Shift Network, Earthing Revolution, Water for Health, Aquan, Amazon and Zenrji.uk

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