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Readers Comments
'Your unique voice, perceptiveness and humour make your newsletters a really interesting read. So many other e-newsletters are just vehicles for self-promotion whereas yours genuinely inspire, inform and heal. ' Jackie Stewart, Healer and Flower Essence Practitioner, Preston, Lancs
I continue to love your newsletter-it's gorgeous, classy
and informative. Love the colours. Lois, Psychotherapist,
Many thanks for your newsletters. The last
couple have really hit a chord with me and I found the information
very useful. Keep up the good work! Melanie, Accountant,
Your newsletter is getting better by the month, and
I always thought it was great! It always has information
for people to integrate by just reading the front page and
not even following links. You're generous and magical like
that, you inspire me to do great things in my life.
Joan, Musician, Composer and founder of the Fortunate
Blessings Foundation U.S.A.
Just to say I enjoyed reading your newsletter and loved
the layout of it - I look forward to the next one! Annie,
Coaching, Chichester
A wee line to say hi and thank you for the great newsletter.
My reading of it inspired the angel of good fortune to come
and sit with me with great presence and the angel of trust
to flap about excitedly!Mandy, Coach and Humanist Celebrant, Glasgow
The newsletter is very good and has a fabulous energy
to it, keep up the good work. Jennifer, Teacher, Birmingham
Loved the Rock Rose article - had come to the conclusion
I needed it this morning and reading your beautiful article
confirmed it. Thanks for putting that information out there.
Noah, Actor, Edinburgh
I applaud your significant contribution to the web.
Sharing our story with others is the elixir of life that
nourishes the soul. You have many gifts and I honour what
you have accomplished.Michael,
Poet, Writer, Paranormal Investigator, Canada
Well done for getting this out! Great information and
fun too.Pam,
Astrologer, Hove, Sussex
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